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I'm looking for a really sharp DE blade.

Right now I use Feather DE blades and I'm happy with them. Just for fun I want to try another very sharp blade. From what I have read in here I noticed these 3 blades also come up as being very sharp.
Gillette Silver Blues, 7' O'clock Yellow, and Personna Red. What blade do you feel is the sharpest after Feather? One of these 3 or something else?
Right now I use Feather DE blades and I'm happy with them. Just for fun I want to try another very sharp blade. From what I have read in here I noticed these 3 blades also come up as being very sharp.
Gillette Silver Blues, 7' O'clock Yellow, and Personna Red. What blade do you feel is the sharpest after Feather? One of these 3 or something else?

I wouldn't put Red Personnas or the Silver Blues in the same category as the 7 O'Clock yellows. They're not as sharp in my opinion.

Others to consider trying, in no particular order: Permasharp Supers, Personna Med Preps, Polsilver SIs.

Your mileage will vary. :tongue_sm
Our mileage does vary!!!

IMO, below the "sharpest" Feather, I'd put Super Iridium, Polsilver SI, perhaps 7 O'Clock Yellow. Have to try Kai though.
7 O'Clock Yellows and 7 O'Clock Blacks are right up there with Feathers in terms of sharp from what I have experienced. Have yet to try Kai, and I hear they are pretty darn sharp.

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