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I'm detecting the onset of a new AD. SMAD, to be exact.

Yes, that's right, I'm becoming afflicted with shaving mug acquisition disorder.

So far I have two Old Spice mugs, two Avon mugs, and a MacGregor mug. I've been lusting over some Seaforth mugs on ebay a lot lately. Are there any other cool mugs out there that I should know about?

Oh, also, I know they're pointless objects. I just like them as quaint little pieces of shaving history.
Pointless? Hmmm... I've got a slew of OS mugs. One holds Tabac I'd milled from a shaving stick, and now that the vanes in the bottom or showing, it'll get refilled with a Tabac puck. Another has some vintage Williams, a third has vintage OS soap, and yet another holds razors by the sink. I have a Canadian OS mug that is currently on my office desk, and a NOS pre WWII mug in the wood veneer box. I've another one that has NOS OS soap, waiting it's turn for use. The one housing the OS soap I'm using belonged to my father, so it holds memories as well as soap.

My Seaforth mug holds razors, too.

I get a lot of satisfaction from those mugs. They look great, and they are about as iconic a wet shaving item as you can get, short of a razor or brush. The have a nice solid feel and just reek of shaving nostalgia.

My only regret I have with the mugs I've obtained is that I'd like more.

On the short list:

  • MacGregor Mug
  • Gentlemen's Regiment mug
  • Black OS mug

I've resisted the urge to start in with occupational mugs and old scuttles...but if the right one comes along...
Wow...didn't even think of that one...a shaving mug collection would be awsome! I actually just started VSAAD...vintage shaving ad acquisition disorder.
Oh God... did you just say black OS mug?


O Jeez. I have 6 OS mugs, all different, but never knew about this one.

I too saw a pic of this for the first time a few weeks ago - beautiful.
Truefitt & Hill has a really nice ceramic scuttle that I saw browsing their site yesterday. Not quite a mug but a mug + scuttle collection with some of these gems would be awesome :thumbup1:
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