What's new

If you or your children use FACEBOOK - MUST READ!!!

As of today, NEW PRIVACY setting called "Instant personalization" that shares data with non-Facebook websites and it is automatically set to "Enable."

To Disable
> Go to Account
> Privacy Settings
> Applications and Websites - "Edit your settings" (bottom row)
> Instant Personalization
> Edit or ...customize Settings
> Un-check "Enable".

BTW, if your friends don't do this, they will be sharing information about you. PLEASE COPY & REPOST

This is Facebook's explanation of the "Instant Personalization" feature;
Our goal is to give you a great social and personalized experience with every application and website you use. We've worked with a select set of partners to personalize your experience as soon as you arrive on their sites.

These partner sites (currently limited to Bing, Rotten Tomatoes, Docs, Pandora, Yelp, and Scribd), can only access the information and content you've already made available to everyone. All our partners are required to respect your information and we've worked closely with them to make sure they do.

When you arrive at one of these sites, you'll see a notification message and a way to turn off the personalized experience on that site.

Instant personalization is different from social plugins. Social plugin content comes directly from Facebook and no information is shared with the websites themselves.

To turn off instant personalization on all partner sites, uncheck the box below. This will prevent these partners from receiving any of your information through instant personalization, even content you have made available to everyone.
I followed your advice and navigated to the "Instant Personalization" section of Facebook, but it was not checked.

Thanks for the heads up though.
I followed your advice and navigated to the "Instant Personalization" section of Facebook, but it was not checked.

Thanks for the heads up though.

hmm.. that's odd.
Well either way it's good to check.

Also, I just found out from some friends that some people are not eligible or the feature is activated for them yet. So some of you may run into that problem.
Mine was not checked. I think the key is in the privacy settings you have already set.

From Google description, "These partner sites (currently limited to Bing, Rotten Tomatoes, Docs, Pandora, Yelp, and Scribd), can only access the information and content you've already made available to everyone."

So from what I can tell, if you already limit the information that others see to begin with, then the check box is probably unchecked. However, I do appreciate the heads up in checking it out. It would be nice if FB would actually tell you that they added something that needed you to check addition security settings.
**** like this is why I'm glad I don't have a Facebook anymore.
I use Dropbox and Picasa to share photos, and communicate with friends & family via phone/email/sms.
Just not really a fan of this "Here's my whole life, take a look" trend with social media these days.
I have to agree Hunter. Sooner or later there will be a serious security breach with these "private" profiles. It will be a mess. Identity theft, bullying, or outright physical assaults or robberies all because some "friend" shared your private information. Sure, that is worse case scenario. I don't care. Sign me up for my tinfoil hat. Mostly I am like you. I just don't get the whole "my life on my shirt cuff" mentality. My friends and family know how to get hold of me. Heck, I don't even text message on my phone though I am working my way around the instant messenger/skype field.

Regards, Todd
Thanks for the heads-up. Apparently it is not yet available to me, but just one more little indiscretion like that on behalf of Facebook will be enough reason for me to shut it down as well.
I remember the Neighborhood Committees for the Defense of the Revolution in every Havana block where neighbors spied on each other. Now is worst everywhere. Privacy is a valuable thing to have, One find its value only when is lost.
thanks for the advice - I went in and finally got to the spot - yup, the box was checked. Unchecked now, though.

thanks again.
A computer programmer friend once told me, never put anything in an email that you wouldn't write on a Postcard. I thought it was wise advice, and I think it applies to Facebook, too. (And for that matter, the B&B forums!)
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