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If you like Feathers, you'll love ______. Suggestions?

Ok guys, when I started this journey I had the 5 pack of Derbys that EJ sent me with my razor, and a 10 pack of Feathers that I bought separately. The first blade I used was a Derby. Since I didn't know what I was really looking for as far as comparison goes, it seemed good. The next two blades were Feathers, and it seemed like they were a lot sharper and cut my beard much easier. They also allowed me to get my first BBS shave when I dared to try ATG for the first time on my neck. No irritation, smooth shave, stays sharp for three shaves. Me likey.

Well, depite what I've read on here I was determined to keep an open mind about Derbys. After all, they are cheap. So last night I put in a new Derby and realized that I hated it. It kept "scrrrrrrrtch!"-ing my stubble, and when I went ATG on a second pass, it felt like I was ripping hair out. I also got a few weepers for the first time in my career. And my skin feels kinda itchy and irritated now. Boo!

So Derby, despite their awesome price, is out and I shall never use them again. My question is this: I know YMMV from blade to blade, but say I really like Feathers but want something a little cheaper in price...what would you all recommend?? The sampler packs are not really a good value...i'd rather buy in bulk of one particular kind.
Astra are my blades of choice. I get about 3 or 4 decent shaves out of them, and I just purchased 100 blades for less than £10 with free delivery from Amazon UK.

I still play around with other blades sometimes but I usually regret it. Astra are my go to blades with my EJ razor.
Astra SP, Israeli Personna, and Crystals are all excellent sharp blades, and slightly more forgiving than Feathers, while being MUCH cheaper.

P.S. I won't use Derbys either.
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Israeli Personna (red IPs). Like you I tried Derby blades (twice) and didn't like them either time. I'm still working my way through my sample pack, but the two blades that stand out are red IPs and Gillette blacks.
I'm a Feather guy and the only thing I've ever tried that came close is Gillette Bleue Extra blades.

Of course I'd be remiss if I didn't say YMMV
My top-rated blades are Personna Med Prep, Iridium Super, and Gillette 7'Oclock Black (from India) - not in any specific order (though IS are probably my tops). Feathers are great too, but these three work just as well on my beard, and they last longer than Feathers.

Those are all a little expensive though, and as a "best bang for the buck" blade I'd wholeheartedly recommend Astra SP - they're very cheap, and they're almost as sharp and smooth as the best. Gillette Yellows (from Russia) are very good for me too, as are Personna "Red" (whatever colour packaging they come in these days).

Another interesting possibility is the Personna Lab blades - they're cheaper than the Med Preps, and many people believe they're the same blade. I don't know yet, but I am currently doing a blind test of Med vs Lab, which you can find here. (There are links to my other tests from that thread, which you might fine of some value).

But whatever you choose, do try a sample first before you make a bulk purchase - all our beards and faces are different, and a blade that works well for one person might by a poor choice for another.
only thing I've tried that comes close is gillette blacks. Astra sp is no where near feather i don't know why so many people recommend them as a feather substitute.
only thing I've tried that comes close is gillette blacks. Astra sp is no where near feather i don't know why so many people recommend them as a feather substitute.

The thing is, if the only thing he's tried are Derby and Feather, there may be a lot of blades in between that he would like. Might be a good idea to pick up several 5-10 packs of good sharp blades to try out. The only downside to Astras is they wear out more quickly than Feathers usually, but at less than $10 for 100, the price can't be beat, and they blow Derbys out of the water.
Astra SPs are my preferred blade. Thankfully, they can be had for around $0.10 per. Feathers work well for me, but I usually end up with at least one tiny weeper.

Derbys are just awful for me.
I am still trying out blades. Luckily when purchasing a couple of things here on B&B the sellers have includes some different blades. Personna, Israeli, Crystal, Gillette Thin (which was very nice) and a couple of others. I did buy 100 Astra blades on the Bay for 10 or 11 dollars from Turkey with free delivery. And they are great also. But I am still experimenting though with different razors and blade combos. But I think I want to get 100 blade packs of 2 to 3 different brands and then I think that I will be able to customize my daily shave on how I am feeling, and the situation at hand. And that is why I am so enjoying the DE experience, because there are different ways to shave and products to use, it makes the experience an enjoyable one.


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If you like Feathers, you'll love Astra Superior Platinum (the green ones), Gillette 7 O Clock Yellows, Polsiler, Super Iridium (yes, they are still available).

I find all of these more enjoyable then feather. Not that I don't like a Feather every once in a while, but the Gillette Yellows and Polsilvers are just as sharp, but give me less irritation and little to no weepers with a fresh blade. Feathers seem best to me after the 1st shave, so shave 2, 3, 4 (if they make it that far) are all better then the 1st shave with a fresh blade.
Astra sp is no where near feather i don't know why so many people recommend them as a feather substitute

They're still pretty good, but much, much, much, cheaper.

only thing I've tried that comes close is gillette blacks

I agree, they're excellent - but can you get them in the US for anything close to Astra SP prices? (I really don't know - I'm in the UK and I get my Gillette Blacks from India). If you can get Blacks for anything approaching Astra prices, I'd say fill yer boots!
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