I was thinking about this while replying to a recent thread. If you had to do a timeline of all your experiences while shaving (methods you've tried, etc) what would it look like?
This is what I came up with:
1985-1990 Disposables (started with Bic then went to Gillette Good News- used canned foam); somewhere in there I also tried my dad's old electric (Phillips Norelco) and didn't care for it
1990-2000 Gillette Sensor (started with canned foam and then switched to soap/brush/mug about 1994 or so); tried a Remington Microscreen electric about 1994- died after three months
2000-2011 Bounced between different models of electric (Braun/Remington (three months only again)/Phillips Norelco) while also occasionally using a DE on weekends (2005-2011); I also tried the Mach 3 about 2004- lasted only one month
2011- After a really bad morning with an electric, went all DE. Other than using the occasional disposable while out of town, use a DE every day.
So, what's your story?
This is what I came up with:
1985-1990 Disposables (started with Bic then went to Gillette Good News- used canned foam); somewhere in there I also tried my dad's old electric (Phillips Norelco) and didn't care for it
1990-2000 Gillette Sensor (started with canned foam and then switched to soap/brush/mug about 1994 or so); tried a Remington Microscreen electric about 1994- died after three months
2000-2011 Bounced between different models of electric (Braun/Remington (three months only again)/Phillips Norelco) while also occasionally using a DE on weekends (2005-2011); I also tried the Mach 3 about 2004- lasted only one month
2011- After a really bad morning with an electric, went all DE. Other than using the occasional disposable while out of town, use a DE every day.
So, what's your story?