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if i "made" SE blade stroppers....

would anyone here be interested in buying them?

Do you mean for the heavy wedge style blades or the modern SEs?

*slight* potential for the old wedge blades (or whatever the accepted name is for them). No interest in stropping the moderns. Use 'em then lose 'em, I say.
theyll be for SE blades since theres already things out there for wedge blades.

the device itself im not making, im just modifying it for the stated purpose.
I am interested, depending on the cost of such a device of course.

Stropping as I understand it, isn't all about making the blade last longer, it's also about ensuring a smooth edge throughout the life of the blade. I am all about smooth shaves. :w00t::w00t:
I am interested, depending on the cost of such a device of course.

Stropping as I understand it, isn't all about making the blade last longer, it's also about ensuring a smooth edge throughout the life of the blade. I am all about smooth shaves. :w00t::w00t:

theyll be $5, MAYBE $10. i just want to cover the cost of each item. im not looking to make millions off of it, trust me.

is this like the stropper that you made me?

if so, i recomend every SE user buy one,

too bad you can't make me a de hone so i can get that valet blade sharp


you might like to tell them thought that they need a valet strop to make it work though :)

i wonder if we could get tony miller to make nice strops that fit the valet stroppers :)

PS . i'm on shave 15 from a gem blade :) with that stropper :)
Yeah I don't even fully understand stropping vs. honing, but anything I can do to get closer to the straight experience without buying a straight...:)


you might like to tell them thought that they need a valet strop to make it work though :)

i wonder if we could get tony miller to make nice strops that fit the valet stroppers :)

PS . i'm on shave 15 from a gem blade :) with that stropper :)

Wait, wait, wait. Fifteen shaves? Fifteen quality shaves? Can someone verify this? If there's some truth to this I may be interested. :w00t:
i can verify this lol,

i took a new gem out of the cardboard, and have stropped it 5 times up and down every shave, and i tried shaving with a new one for half my face today and half my face with the stropped one and the stropped one cut just as well and left my face smoother than the unstropped one, and it felt smoother during,

i also sent a message to tony miller to see if he can make a strop that will fit the stropper ,

its a modded valet autostrop that works with a gem with the spine still on and
IT work great,

but apparently the coating on the good gem blades will ruin a strop so you should buy the stainless uncoated or the carbon gem or pal blades,

plus theyre cheaper :)
WOW!! Such Interest!! I have a stropping device to sell too!! It might cost ya a little more, but it should last a long time.

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