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If a skip a day, my skin gets red and itchy !

Since I started traditional wet shaving with a DE over a month ago, I have shaved everyday since I'm enjoying so much shaving this way. I enjoy taking my time, the prep, the whole thing.

For the first time since I started, I decided to skip a day to better map my grain beard in the neck.

Well, guess what: I just could not wait 2 full days since my skin got itchy and red in some places (especially the neck). As the day was passing, it got worse and more itchy. I could not stand it anymore and decided to shave tonight instead of waiting for tomorrow morning. Somehow, it seems my skin gets irritated by the hair that is growing. I guess in 24 hours it does not get long enough to irritate my skin but over a day of growth, it's too much.

Mind you, I am not going to complain about the fact that I need to shave everyday to be comfortable. That will help me get through all these bowls of different creams and soaps I keep buying like there is no tomorrow :biggrin:

But still, I am a bit mystified by this since most people actually skip days so that their skin can recover when it's red and itchy. In my case, skipping days seem to create redness and itchyness. And although I was a regular shaver before going DE shaving, I don't recall it being that bad when I would skip a day.

Am I the only one like that or are there other guys like me out there ?


My elbows leak
Staff member
Well, to be honest I don't know since I shave every day. It's a rare thing for me to miss a day.

Maybe it's your addiction creating a psychosomatic reaction to force you to shave again! LOL

Look on the bright side, at least you love to shave, imagine getting irritated if you didn't shave and hating it like we used to.
it might be that you have relatively oily skin and shaving daily removes that, you could always try not shaving for a day but still wash your face as much as when you do shave, soap, hot water etc. that helps me avoid itchyness.
it might be that you have relatively oily skin and shaving daily removes that, you could always try not shaving for a day but still wash your face as much as when you do shave, soap, hot water etc. that helps me avoid itchyness.

That's an idea indeed...

I'm not too sure what kind is my skin (sometimes it feels sensitive, in the winter dry and at other times a combination of oily and normal !), but you might be right in saying my pores can get clogged if I am not shaving and exfoliating so that could explain the redness and itchiness.

gone down south

When I was at your stage, if I skipped a day I would feel all the accumulated damage I didn't even realize I was causing. The rough hairs growing out through the dry patches and irritated areas was really annoying. I think on shave days I didn't notice it so much because of all the moisturizing products applied pre and after.

Almost a year on my technique has improved to the point that this doesn't happen anymore.
When I was at your stage, if I skipped a day I would feel all the accumulated damage I didn't even realize I was causing. The rough hairs growing out through the dry patches and irritated areas was really annoying. I think on shave days I didn't notice it so much because of all the moisturizing products applied pre and after.

Almost a year on my technique has improved to the point that this doesn't happen anymore.

Ah ! Makes sense also.

So I guess it takes many months before the skin adapts while you refine your technique, angle and pressure. One month is just not enough yet.
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