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ID the NEW-to-me vintage Simpson M7 (???) - pics

I asked for some help IDing a Simpson I won on dbay -

here is the pic I bid on:


The brush came today - here it is after some cleaning (and sanitizing):

I have mixed first impressions - although it was apparently not ridden hard, it was put away wet - in a particular spot, the hair was quite brittle and there was some serious shedding there (although the knot itself seems intact) - here's the bald spot and the knot, which looks pretty full:


Dimensions: 23mm knot; 50mm loft; the handle is 55mm tall.

The label is nearly intact (indicating that the brush wasn't used much);

with my sh*tty camera & technique, you can't read engraved above the label "M7" (or maybe V7) and underneath, "best badger." It looks like V7 to me, but my sweetie and her son - with their two pairs of younger eyes - see "M7."

Is anyone aware/familiar with this brush, or with a Simpson designated M7 (or V7)?

Any help appreciated!
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If your mixed impression leads to a negative impression in the end, send me a PM. ;)
If not, hope you enjoy it and good luck on the ID
Maybe the same vintage as my friend's W2. I've always wondered what the "W" stood for. I've never seen another.

He was actually still using the brush in this state. I took it home, re-knotted it and gave it back to him.

Because Gary seriously needs to stop playing hard to get and tell us (or at least me) what is being released, when, and for how much. I promise I can keep a secret. :laugh:
Because Gary seriously needs to stop playing hard to get and tell us (or at least me) what is being released, when, and for how much. I promise I can keep a secret. :laugh:

Guys, any questions regarding re-releases, etc need to be directed through Vulfix/Simpson, not me. I don't want to step on any ones toes or upset the apple cart on here. I am sure you will all respect the situation and my wishes.


I guess we know that this model was also sold through Abraham & Straus as the "AS2"


wow- wild to see this old thread pop up again - (I restored my M7 with a TGN finest - it's a very nice brush!)

I don't think the M7 and the AS2 brush are identical - doesn't the AS2 seem to have a narrower "waist?"

I just looked at the thread about the AS2 - what's this business about the M7 being reintroduced?
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