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ID Help?

Can anyone help me ID this razor?


I gave $10 for it at a local antique shop. I think I may have overpaid for it because there may be an issue with the mechanism.

When you twist the bottom of the razor, the top won't open until you push up on the bottom.

sheraton razor, very good mid mild shavers
The mech opens, but only if you push up on the bottom after twisting. If it's malfunctioning, is there any chance for an amateur like me to repair it?
The mech opens, but only if you push up on the bottom after twisting. If it's malfunctioning, is there any chance for an amateur like me to repair it?

These I never opened, I would leave it as is and use it if it shuts and grips the blade properly.
There are some threads out there that describe the fix for a "dropped knob". I just fixed one this week. I used a tubing cutter with a washer in place of the normal cutting wheel. There is also a method that uses the back of a butter knife. Basically, the outer tubing has "relaxed" and won't hold the knob mechanism in place. If you close the razor and the use either the tubing cutter or pressure from the back of the knife to press the outer tube back into the TTO rod the razor knob won't "drop". I would highly recommend you search out those threads, but one should be able to fix it. Of course, as long as it closes tightly with a blade in it, you can use it as is. It may not open and close 100% correctly, but if you can open it to change blades and close it tightly to shave it will be a perfectly good usable razor as is. IMO
There are some threads out there that describe the fix for a "dropped knob". I just fixed one this week. I used a tubing cutter with a washer in place of the normal cutting wheel. There is also a method that uses the back of a butter knife. Basically, the outer tubing has "relaxed" and won't hold the knob mechanism in place. If you close the razor and the use either the tubing cutter or pressure from the back of the knife to press the outer tube back into the TTO rod the razor knob won't "drop". I would highly recommend you search out those threads, but one should be able to fix it. Of course, as long as it closes tightly with a blade in it, you can use it as is. It may not open and close 100% correctly, but if you can open it to change blades and close it tightly to shave it will be a perfectly good usable razor as is. IMO
here is a similar designed TTO, its #15
: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...r-British-Aristocrat-15?p=2491267#post2491267
Ok, sorry.

One more ID question. My first trip to this antique store, I didn't know what I was looking at or for so I took a lot of pics. I was looking back at my pics and I think that this:


may be a Fatboy like this one:


Based on the limited picture information I have, do you guys think I'm on the right track as far as the ID?

This first one is a Slim adjustable

And I guess if I'm going to post that one, one more won't hurt. Seriously...last one I promise!


Black handled superspeed
It is a Slim adjustable which is mechanically similar to the Fatboy. The head geometry is different in that it is flatter. And dispite it being longer it is lighter than the Fatboy because the Fatboy is Fatter.
Thanks very much for the info.

I am quickly developing RAD. I know I can go back and get these for $10 a piece. I'm trying really hard not to but I don't think I'm going to be able to fight it!
The first razor looks like a brassed-out Senator to me, rather than a Sheraton. And I'd say $10 is a pretty good bargain, actually. A dropped knob is not too difficult to fix at all, and just like Ollie said, it really doesn't affect its ability to shave properly at all even if you didn't fix it.

The Slim is definitely worth a pick up, too, if it's anywhere near the same price range as the Senator.
The first razor looks like a brassed-out Senator to me, rather than a Sheraton. And I'd say $10 is a pretty good bargain, actually. A dropped knob is not too difficult to fix at all, and just like Ollie said, it really doesn't affect its ability to shave properly at all even if you didn't fix it.

The Slim is definitely worth a pick up, too, if it's anywhere near the same price range as the Senator.
It could be a brassed out Senator, but i figured would the bar guard teeth be brassed out too, maybe the guard/teeth area was all steel and not brass?.$8IarL.jpg
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