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I will now END the face-lather/bowl-lather argument ...Please see post #24

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I have been a face latherer from the get-go. I won't go into the impeccable logic behind the superiority of face lathering, because there are devout bowl-latherers who have their own reasons. But here the debate ends. The best, most luxurious lather is made by.... <drum roll>

BOTH methods! That's right. Both. I just got a wild hair and decided to try bowl lathering, but I already had lather on my face... I made up a bowlful anyhow and applied it right over the other, and loved the results. So now, I face lather first and get a nice exfoliation and whisker lift, along with great lather. Then, I bowl lather for an extra gollop of lather to slather right over the face lather. I get a face-full that looks like a santa beard, and I have plenty of time to strop my razor. wa-lah! Who's yo daddy? YO BUBBA, I AM! Ooo-yah!
tonight i'm going to try rubbing the bowl directly on my wet face, while im in a hot shower.. will let you know how this beats your technique - i'm expecting loads of lather!
No the best way is to use your brush dry on your face, then use the soap on your face to lather up. Or you could just use your fingernails and dig some out, then scrape it across your face for super lather results.

Edit for actual content.

Well I just face lather it would do just as good with a bowl, but I like to face lather so that I can use every last bit for my face rather than trying to dig it out of the bowl. Takes less time as well.
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So those of us with mugs and scuttles are left out of the argument? :angry:

Also what those that finger lather?

or ummm foot?
I face and bowl lather and both have the same results just one is more of a hassle to clean up than the other (bowl lathering)


I won't tell you my method because it might just start a 20 page thread:lol:
Face/Bowl lathering?? Are you guys nuts?? Why would I want to do either when this is available????

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