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i want to upgrade my brush

While I'm hardly a brush expert, I have a handmade silvertip that I enjoy and a Parker silvertip bought off Amazon that I absolutely love. For the money, I'm not sure you can beat a $65ish silvertip and the build quality and bristle feel is fantastic on the Parker.
One brush that seems to be really popular around here is the Omega Pro 49. I have one and love it also. And the price is usually between $9.00 - $12.00. Can't beat that either.

I'll recommend something with a TGN Finest or a Whipped Dog Silvertip knot, in either a handle purchased along with the knot or (even better) a restored classic brush handle*

*not responsible for any addiction to brush restoration that may result from this action
What properties are you looking for in upgrade? For example, do you want a bigger brush or a softer brush? Do you face lather or bowl lather? You'll get better recommendations if you tell us more about what you are looking to improve and some idea of budget. The VB brush has been well received around here.
What properties are you looking for in upgrade? For example, do you want a bigger brush or a softer brush? Do you face lather or bowl lather? You'll get better recommendations if you tell us more about what you are looking to improve and some idea of budget.

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