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I think my beard is too tough!

I have used a Merkur 38C and EJ89 with Gillette 7 O'clocks and Feather blades. I still have to do up to 4 passes on my neck for a good shave.

I can hear the whiskers cutting with each pass and there is no irritation. It just takes 4 passes.

Do I need a more aggressive razor? What is recommended as the next step up?

The evolution of shaving never seems to stop, LOL.

Mark H
I think from what I hear, not from experience, is that a Merkur futur, is made for someone like you. Its a very modern well made razor with a precise design. I have made a couple threads on one. I hear it is a very efficient razor. I have a thread with the title " held a futur yesterday, seen for the first time" its under general discussion. You could read that and get a good idea, from my point of view. I dont think I need that type of razor for my conditions, but I have a haunch that its a good one for someone like you.
I have used a Merkur 38C and EJ89 with Gillette 7 O'clocks and Feather blades. I still have to do up to 4 passes on my neck for a good shave.

I can hear the whiskers cutting with each pass and there is no irritation. It just takes 4 passes.

Do I need a more aggressive razor? What is recommended as the next step up?

The evolution of shaving never seems to stop, LOL.

Mark H

I have a similar issue.... I don't own any merkers, but I do seem to have to take more passes, and my blades wear out sooner than others here. That is one reason why I go for aggressive razors, put feather blades in them, and throw em away after 3 shaves.
another point is the products they have now for making it better to shave, I hear the shaving oil is a great product. Are you letting the nice soap lather sit for a while on your face. Are you using very warm water on your face prior and with the soap, and on your razor. I bet the oil is great for ya. I have a cousin, back years ago, his whiskers are so heavy, I remember he use to put vasoline on his face for 10 minutes, before he would add the shaving cream. I am not suggesting this, but that was something I never forgot. It was years ago, I seen him do that, when I was a young lad.
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I would just go as far as Open Comb and Slant!

If you really want aggressive, look for a Muhle Pinsel R89... That thing eats a few layers of skin at the same time if you are not careful!
Are you preparing before a shave? Use a hot towel or a pre-shave cream to soften a beard. Although I don't necessarily a more aggressive razor for a new shaver, more of the blade will be exposed and it's more likely you can maintain contact with the skin. Generally, a less aggressive razor requires you to have the "angle of attack" down in order get that close shave, which is what I think is your issue. However, an aggressive razor is more prone to nick and cut if your technique is imperfect or you make a mistake.
me too, i just pass 3 ,4, 5, 6 times, as long as it takes..no worries as long as you not iritated

that's how I see it. I have 23c which I think is the same head as the 38c. It takes 4 passes but man it's smooth and irritation free every time. perfect. I thought everyone did 4 pass shaves.
what is your pre treat routine?
Hot water, hot towel, oil, ??

I believe in the pre treat stage. Lots of people don't.
ask around and try out a few suggestions.
I'll tell you to try the proraso pre treatment.

let us know how you make out.
Try first two passes with your EJ89 and Astra SP blades.
Your final pass and a half with a Merkur 45 "bakelite" with Iridium.

I find the Merkur 45 too aggressive for the whole shave, but amazing going from near DFS to BBS. Simply amazing.
I find my Futur chomps away enormous chunks of whisker from my face. It shears off in one pass what my blackhandled EJ does in 2 passes. The learning curve with it is a bit steeper as well, I've noticed.
The Merkur slant is perfect for your type of beard. Take a shower and then use a brush to add lather to your face. I have a tough beard and this works for me:thumbup1:
I'd also recommend the Futur. It does an excellent job of removing tough beard. You might also want to consider a Gillette Slim or Fatboy. They're pretty efficient after you dial them up.
You mention that you need to make 4 passes to get a proper shave on your neck, but how is the rest of your face? If you can make 4 passes on the neck without irritation your technique must be pretty good, so do you want to be able to shave in less time by cutting down the number of passes that you need?
Maybe a slant or an adjustable razor would help you out.......... but honestly, I don't see a problem.
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