I started out on my DE shaving journey thinking that I would only like TTO razors because I liked the butterfly door design and I did not like the idea of unscrewing the head and screwing it back on. I stared out with a flare tip loving every shave. Then I acquired a Red tip which I loved even more. I was alternating between those two when I acquired a Schick Krona which I did not like all that much. I kept reading about open comb/3 piece razors. What I read made me want to try one so I acquired a 1904 Merkur Classic open comb. Since I acquired the Merkur, I have found it harder and harder to convince myself to shave with my TTOs. I have since then acquired a Black tip and a 1941 Ranger. I tried the ranger today and I wished the whole time that i was shaving with the Merkur instead. Has anyone else experienced this?