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I rescued an Eversharp Schick Injector today!

I went to the Antique district in my new city, and was finding all kinds of vintage shaving goodies. Several razors were over priced, but I found one little gem...

An Eversharp Schick Injector for $4.95 (and a brass Gillette DE razor case for a few dollars more)

It looks like it's in pretty good shape, but does need a very thorough cleaning. Now I just have to source some decently priced injector blades, and give this bad boy a go! (PS - what's the best way to clean this thing? Scrubbing Bubble soak and a toothbrush? Maybe finish the head with some brasso?)

I cleaned mine by soaking in a dilute bath of CLR. Then 20 minutes in peroxide followed by 20 minutes in alcohol. A wooden toothpick was used to scrape out anything in the grip. It worked pretty well for me.
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