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I need your help for a mild razor

Henson+ and PAA Meta-4. The Henson is slightly more efficient and has positive blade exposure (but still very mild and comfortable). The Meta-4 has neutral or negative blade exposure. Very mild!

Another vote for the tech
You already have some excellent mild razors... Are you not getting good shaves and are, therefore, looking for someone else? Or are you getting good shaves and just want a new razor to have one?

Also, don't people are surprised my house their faces text to higher efficiency razors. Cumulatively, two efficient passes may be less harsh than three mild ones... Especially since you been less buffing.

More importantly then razors, have you explored different blades? If you haven't, I advise that be your next step, rather than more razors on either side of the spectrum
You already have some excellent mild razors... Are you not getting good shaves and are, therefore, looking for someone else? Or are you getting good shaves and just want a new razor to have one?

Also, don't people are surprised my house their faces text to higher efficiency razors. Cumulatively, two efficient passes may be less harsh than three mild ones... Especially since you been less buffing.

More importantly then razors, have you explored different blades? If you haven't, I advise that be your next step, rather than more razors on either side of the spectrum
I'd like to try new razors and yes I tried different blades. The ones I love are Shark and Drby premium
The RR Aggressiveness Chart might be helpful:

The RR Lupo Al is machined aluminum, with tight tolerances, and rather mild. I have one, and like it. Because of lower machining costs, it's cheaper than the s/s alternatives.

I just ran across the Yates "Winning" razor, which looks similar to the Henson in design. It get some good reviews here. Solid machined stainless steel, which is reflected in the price.

As a previous post suggests, some adjustable razors (like the Merkur Progress, and the Pearl Flexi) can be adjusted down to "mild" blade gaps. But others cannot -- read the reviews carefully.

Lots of ways to spend money, as much or as little as you like.<g>

. Charles
I finally had the opportunity to get a Merkur 15C open comb. Very cheap and what a great smooth and efficient shave ! I'm impressed, there is no need to pend so much to get a good razor :)
this is a fantastic razor if you like mild razors. I have been selling most of my collection but I would never sell the Merkur OC as I think its that good. I think the Overlander is a bit more efficient and a little milder (if you can believe that) - but that is what my face and head say. Right now the Overlander is my go to razor but the Merkur OC had that spot for 3+ years and I enjoyed every bit of it.
The mildest razor I own is the King C. Gillette. It's inexpensive and can be bought from AMZ. It shaves well but I have to pair it with a very sharp blade (I use Nacet in mine) otherwise I don't get the results I want.
this is a fantastic razor if you like mild razors. I have been selling most of my collection but I would never sell the Merkur OC as I think its that good. I think the Overlander is a bit more efficient and a little milder (if you can believe that) - but that is what my face and head say. Right now the Overlander is my go to razor but the Merkur OC had that spot for 3+ years and I enjoyed every bit of it.
that is interesting. What about the Karve Bison ?
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