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I need an aggresive razor for my tuff beard

I am currently using a Merkur 39c slant with a feathers blade. Could someone recommend a more aggresive razor for my tuff beard. My beard is so tuff, that the razor skips with a Feathers blade. I have to do J hooks and micro buffing in order to get a decent shave. Also, is there a difference between the Feathers blades in yellow and black packaging?
39C with Feather is a pretty tough combination already.

Only thing I could think of would be a Futur opened up.

Also, as far as I know, the Feathers in the yellow are the same as the Feathers in the black.
Look into a Merkur Slant Bar razor. I haven't used one, but plenty of people around here should be able to chime in with their experiences. And welcome to B&B!
welcome aboard.

having a feather skip sounds to me like you need more prep & technique than a more agressive razor.

What products are you using? Whats your preshave like?
Look into a Merkur Slant Bar razor. I haven't used one, but plenty of people around here should be able to chime in with their experiences. And welcome to B&B!

That is what he is using right now.

If the 39C with a feather doesn't work you might want to seek the answer in your technique rather than in a more aggressive razor.

Possibly more aggressive are the old Mühle-Pinsel R-41/89 with the open comb Fatip head, still being sold probably (production ended, at least for the Mühle brand, at late '08).


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Welcome to B&B!

+1 on the slant advice. However, I would think that you are still in your learning curve, that might be why the blade is skipping a bit... I would recommend to stay with what you have for a bit and it should be fixed by itself...
Are you giving your whiskers a good pre-shave preparation? Whiskers can get considerably less tough with the application of (and marination in) warm lather for a few minutes before you start the operation.

- Chris
Another vote for the old-style Muhle R89, if you can find one. Once you get used to it you can tame the savage beast, but it is aggressive with a capital A. The new ones are a lot milder.
+1 on the recommendations to upgrade the pre-shave prep and technique.

My SlantHammer+new Feather just took off a 9-day growth of beard ... 2 easy passes, WTG both times. Lots of blade-buffing. I'm DFS+ in just 15 minutes.

I face-scrubbed with Cetaphil soap, toned with Thayer's Lavender, hand-mixed some MWF soap and KMF Lavender and Shea cream.

After the shave, more Thayer's, Tabac ASL, Tabac EdT, Tabac Deo-stick, Bigelow's #1200 ASB.

This was NINE days worth of stubble, gone in 2 passes. Less than 15 minutes. No cuts, no nicks, no weepers.

Behold, the power of the 39C+Feather.
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Maybe you should try a GEM Single Edge razor. Those will easily mow down damned near anything.


-- John Gehman

PS/NB Welcome to B&B!!
The Futur wide open and the 1914 GEM Single Edge are good for very tough stubble.

Also +1 on the Prep. What soap/cream are you using now?
I would either go with a GEM open comb Micromatic or a Bull Mastiff with Gillette New Head. Both with mow down pretty much anything in their path.
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