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I just won this , should I be scared ? Radium Razor

Here are some Radium blades to go with it.

At a bare minimum, I would see to it that my affairs were in order before lathering up….(queued ominous music plays)
No need to turn the lights on in the bathroom when shaving! You'll save enough in electricity to pay for those radium blades.:lol:
How old are they? Unfortunately there may have been a time where putting radium in a blade was considered a great idea. Probably not, but you never know.
that is what scares / intrests me , the only information I have found and it may not even be related ,is that at one time Boker ( this razor is from germany so who knows ) used the word radium on some of there products , but I was not aware they made a d/e razor .

well if it is glowing when I get it I may just have to let it be just for display and for barganing with terrorists , a la back to the future ( j/k :thumbup: )
How old are they? Unfortunately there may have been a time where putting radium in a blade was considered a great idea. Probably not, but you never know.

This. I don't know anything about the razor but I do know using isotopes in soap powder was considered a great idea in France once (for a shiny laundry). I expect no problems but I would test it first.
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