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I just inherited these from my Great Grandfather. Can someone tell me about them?

My Great Grandfather had a barber kit that has been passed down to me given my newly acquired taste for wet shaving. I've only ever used a safety razor (1959 Gillette Super Speed), but have always wanted to someday move into straights. Now that I have some, I'd like to know anything about them that you guys could tell me. So please, feel free to educate me on these blades and what it might take to get them functional. They are each very sharp, but I don't know if they're shave ready yet.


The 4 in their "carrier"

Dubl Duck Wonderedge
View attachment 261563

I'm particulary fond of the Dubl Ducks because our last name is "Duckworth".
View attachment 261564

Dubl Duck Satinedge
View attachment 261565

View attachment 261566

Reul made in Solingen (I have never heard of this brand)
View attachment 261567
Here are the rest of the pictures!

A closer shot of the Reul

Peaso made in Solingen (I haven't heard of this brand either)


Strops (I know absolutely nothing about Strops, or if these are useable. They seem soft still. Very flexible.)


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
This is one of the coolest scores I've seen!

The ducks are very high quality blades. The Reul that you got is a Max Reul made in Solingen Germany made in the 1920s... I had one of those and been looking for another one since mine is now out of service. The Reul was my favourite razor before it retired.

My recommendation would be to send them to a honemeister and have them properly honed to use them! That's the type of score that you don't sell! Ever!

For the strop, I would suggest a leather conditioner and let them dry for 24-48hrs before you use them.
I can see your first pic but the following attachments of each razor individually aren't working.
From the first pic though they look like very nice razors.

Edit- Oops, I see them now!

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Nice. Those will all hone and shave very well. However, I would start learning on something more expendable, like a whippeddog or a shave-ready vintage from BST. Mistakes are often made in the initial up-slope of the learning curve that can cause minor or possibly even major harm to your equipment. Make your oopsies on a $25 razor instead of these considerably more valuable heirlooms.
If you want one honed let me know, I'll do it for ya for free if you pay shipping both ways.
Those are beauties. It will bee very meaningful to shave with those. Be sure and record all you can about them so that your kids can also enjoy them. Very nice.
If you want one honed let me know, I'll do it for ya for free if you pay shipping both ways.

Nice offer Rick!

I can't imagine anything cooler (in this hobby I mean) than having some really old family razors to use.
Cool heirloom, I'm sure it's every enthusiast's dream to have something like that. Good luck with straight shaving!
An absolute treasure.

Rick is my honemeister and will treat you right, he knows his stuff. Plus you do business local here.

As to the strop, do not use it until you have a couple of months under your belt using Whipped Dog's poor man strop. You don't want anything to happen accidentally to your heirloom strop and need to learn first on one that is expendable.

The best part is that the leather can be getting rehydrated while you wait. I highly recommend a terrific conditioner called Lexol. It really soaks into the leather.

As to learning how to shave with a straight go to YouTube and check out GeoFatboy's videos. That really worked for me. Start easy and watch the videos closely for clues - stretching the skin up over the jaw was a great tip. You won't ever go back to a DE once you start, it is a blast every morning. Plus when you bring it up that you shave with a straight, just watch the eyebrows go up. Plus the person usually takes just a half step away from you. Hilarious!
Do not learn to strop on that! You will ruin it, but a cheap-o poor man's strop from whippeddog :biggrin1:

+1. It's gorgeous--save it for later, when you have things down (mea culpa, mea culpa). You could also order a Big Mamma (2-1/2" wide) from Start Shaving, which I believe is in Illinois as well.
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