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I just gotta see if anyone can get this right.

First off. I know what this stone is. I bought it (and it's much more obvious from the other side). But when I opened the box and saw this puppy, I did a "lul wat?". I'm curious if anyone can ID it.

So test your hone knowledge! Let's go!

Translucent Arkansas?

Maybe a J-nat of some sort?

I dunno, i'm just guessing, but it certainly _looks_ like either of those

You're probably gonna turn around and say it's not even a natural stone, knowing my luck.
You're no fun.

It's a translucent Arky.

The other side isn't too bad, 2 small white veins, but the rest is trans... but well. That side is mostly hard white, with a hollow, that long purple/black vein (with a violet haze surrounding it) a Corner that's mostly trans, but with a big purple blob at the center.

That was the least trans "Trans Arkansas" I've ever seen
Mmm, was the corner that made me think "trans arky" Even if the rest of it is white with inclusions

Maybe if you had cropped that part out, I might not have guessed so easilly?
True, I was thinking it contributed to the whole mystery myself, because it's clearly cut as a honing stone, so my method of thinking would immediately put me thinking, 'now what stone could possibly have that much color variance and still be considered usable for honing'.
Arkansas stones, while generally though of as white or black or gray, can have a wide variation in color, including blue, purple, red, pink, brown, etc. I've had a hard white that had a grey line and red freckling in it, and have a pink translucent that has brown and white swirls in it.
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