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I just binged $400 on ebay what to do to stop buying.

Im just binged on ebay purchases and i really need to stop ive spent close to 400 and now im not regretting my wins but im mad at myself for giving into temptation.






Ive bought a rocket, 2 slims, 2 sheratons ?, a toggle, a red tip and 2 straits. I think i did great on the straights considering ones a puma with a case and the toggle i did so so but thiers a guys selling a psycho tech with a bobs razor works key and then i wanna buy these freaken bottles to put my after shave in since they look awesome but they are not big enough to hold it all and i justify it to myself by saying ill have 3 bottles of aqua velva. I need help im not kidding.
Also ill probably only want to use the toggle, I fear im turning into a collector and not a user.

As long as it's not otherwise negatively impacting your finances, I wouldn't worry about it.

I've spent about, oh, 600 bucks or so since January on shaving stuff. Most of that has been cheap razors in the 5-25 dollar range, but I also have some Tradere, Weber, BRW etc. stuff thrown in there. Throw about 500 blades in there, and 20 soaps or so, a bunch of aftershave...it adds up pretty quickly.

To put that in perspective: I have LESS invested in total shaving costs than what ONE of my guitars costs.

(full disclosure: I have 17 guitars)
Hey, I'm kind of in the same boat. I got my credit card bill a week ago: Paypal, Paypal, Paypal.... I don't know what I did before Paypal???

def got some nice scores tho! which will retain their value, so really your'e jsut investing more wisely than say in a dollar based stock etc. treat the items well and they will maintain the value.

that toggle, I had it on my watch list and the 2 straights I almost bid on

I don't know your financial situations/obligations, but you've invested well. :)
Yea, that stinks. You could've had like 16 all you can eat crab dinners, or 6 one hour full body massages by a hottie. You blew it man.
whats funny is their is a happy ending parlor near me(cop friends give me the scoops) but im to much of a tight *** with my money to ever buy what I can get for free also aids anyone. also the reason this is bad is im a student, I work part time at 2 jobs looking for a 3rd, im saving for a house, and i got expenses I think ill just resell everything i bought i only really want the toggle and the straights i got everything else in multiples.
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If you do actually want to avoid doing so, a suggestion: before you place a bid or buy anything, call up a trusted friend and say, "Just so you know, I am about to spend $xxx on a razor which I do not need, and will probably only use a few times. Any words of wisdom for me?" Or look at yourself in the mirror with your other razors and consider that $400 is months worth of gas for your vehicle, a month or several months insurance for your vehicle, months worth of food, a single class in college depending on the school, a year long membership at a gym, enough money to help build several schools with Jackie Chan's charity, and so forth.

Then, if you still can, place the bid and think that at least you aren't addicted to alcohol or something that will kill you, or I hope you aren't, as you have just failed in resisting something you knew you didn't want to do.

Otherwise, enjoy it and experiment because eventually you are going to hit on a combo that just blows things out of the water, and your AD's will be an afterthought because you will be enjoying your only You time that you get in a 24 hour period, and the problem will go away for a bit. :)
you should be mad at yourself....! BUT, I am a good guy at heart and would be willing to take the toggle off your hands for what you paid for it...No, really, I would...this should take some of your guilt away, no?!:biggrin1:

Barring that, just say NO!
The primary advice I can give to stop is learning to be happy with what you have. Once you are, it can get hard to buy anything else.
I guess I've learned the restraint by the tough times I've been in as of late...
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