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I . I . oh my gosh . I .


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
... FINISHED a bottle of ink.


Noodler's Black.

I think I bought it back in 2009 or thereabouts.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Probably has four eyedroppered pens full of it. :wink2:

Heck, I guess I finished a 4.5oz bottle of Kung Te-cheng as well ... as long as I don't notice the 80% full large Private Reserve bottle that I put most of the bottle into.


No ... I have one 78g topped up, and that's it.
Congratulations and it must be a Canadian thing! I hope it wasn't in the same fashion as James does with some of his bottles! :biggrin1:
I think he did it the proper way lol

Well done Ian, maybe we need a 3017 type thread to help some guys finally do the same
I find this disturbing, as I think that I will end up with a rotation of around 8-10 inks. A bottle lasting 4+ years?!
Samples seem to run out far to quick, while bottles seem to fill themselves back up at night when you sleep.

Your botte must have ne empty while the inky gnomes were busy trying to refil the bottle that caused the sheep accident
The only inks that I actually finished were Skrip blue/black, and Pelikan blau/schwarz. That was before I found out that you could buy inks online :lol:


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Between all the ink samples I've used up, and the sips I've taken from a dozen other ink bottles, I've used up enough to finish another bottle or three.


Your botte must have ne empty while the inky gnomes were busy trying to refil the bottle that caused the sheep accident

1. Refill ink bottles
2. ???????
3. Profit

So I take it ink doesn't "go bad"?
Kinda like shave software :tongue_sm

Well, it can live forever, or it can start growing mould ... kind of a crap shoot.
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