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I Found A Gold Edge!

I have been severely lucky in the last few months with both DE and str8 finds in flea markets and antique stores. Today I actually went to an antique store near my home to buy a Gillette Aristocrat in its box which also came with a Slim Adjustable. Both were very clean, and I got them both for $35.

This store was packed with stuff, knick knacks on every surface. When I went to check out I noticed the word "Gold" on the edge of a straight razor that was buried under some other stuff in a glass case. I knew what it was. The clerk pulled it out and called the owner who sold it to me for $20.

What do you think?










"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
A bit of rust on the edge, hopefully, nothing that will make the razor un-usable...
Five minutes on a 220grit stone and you'll move the edge past that pitting into good steel. Nice score. I'd polish it up until you're happy with it then a quick trip to the stones (DD's hone up VERY fast) and you're golden.
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