It seems that so many use and enjoy Red Personnas. And why not? They are cheap. Readily available. And do the job quite nicely. I have been DE shaving for almost 2 years now, and I have tried dozens of blades. At first the Reds(and Crystals) just didn't do it for me. My beard is a tough one, and I found I had to work harder with more passes with the Reds. Feathers and Irridiums chopped through my hair so much easier that I swore off Reds forever. But I also have sensitive skin. And I found daily use with these sharper blades left me feeling sore and my skin quite irritated. The Gillette 7 O'Clock yellows seemed like a dream come true for me. They were somewhere right in the middle. But they too left my skin feeling irritated for hours. So after a long time I have returned to the Reds, and I have to say my skin feels great. I've been getting better shaves with my Merkur HD lately than I have in a long time. So there is something to be said for a less aggressive blade. Along with technique and good prep, you can get an excellent shave. I'm sold.