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I do this just for fun

It's been about 2 months now since I found B&B and started wet shaving. I've learned a lot and acquired some pretty nice gear, probably more than I needed but that's what B&B will do to ya. I've had some pretty good shaves and some very bad ones. While I have made progress, it seems to come and go. My last 2 shaves now have been 2 of the worst since I started. I think the reason I started wet shaving is because I was bored. For years I've been using a quality electric Braun foil shaver and its actually been great. I'll still use the Braun when I'm in a hurry because its so quick and easy. Comparing the shaves I get a much closer, more comfortable shave with no irritation in much less time with the Braun. Its also less expensive because all I have to buy is a bottle of lectric shave and that lasts a long time. So really the only reason I keep wet shaving is for fun. I do find it enjoyable until the shave is over and I'm left with mediocre results. This is the reason I never really started using cartridges either. I just thought DE would be different.

My problem area is my neck, I've mapped my growth pattern so that's not the issue. Its most likely because the hair on my neck grows VERY flat against my skin making it impossible to shave ATG which is why I never even try to. For some reason with the Braun I can go against the grain by cutting with the foil perpendicular to the grain. Doing this I usually end up with a BBS with zero irritation. This is disappointing because I really wanted wet shaving to work out. I'm not going to quit but I will be going back to mostly electric shaving with a DE shave once and a while when I have time. Its just too much work to get worse results.
I had the same problem. First, get settled in on your equipment. Use the same soap, blade, and razor for a while. That takes some variables out of the equation.

What I found was once my technique was pretty good and I had a blade I liked, I actually got better results with four passes on my neck. WTG, XTG, GTX, and only then ATG. The XTG and GTX provide reduction without irritation and take it down far enough that ATG doesn't irritate it. Without those two passes the hair is just too long and gets pulled if I go ATG. I now get a BBS every day with no irritation.

Each pass is light, no pressure. With four passes none of them needs to do the heavy lifting, each is just for gradual reduction. You may want to start with just three: WTG, XTG, and GTX. See where that gets you. Once that's good with no irritation add in the ATG. I only need four passes on my neck, the rest gets BBS with three.

DE shaving is not for everyone. Maybe you could use weekend or days off to practice and see if your shaves improve.
I don't do ATG on the neck, for me it is not worth the inevitable razor burn. So I will do WTG, XTG, XTG and now that I know what blades work for me I can get a DFS every time on my neck. IMO it helps also, to use a tallow based soap and pre-shave oil.
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