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I cant believe my luck! I finally found a fat boy that I could afford!

Today we had an extended lunch break as we were on training and finished early for the morhing. My friend was wanting to find a string of antique pearls for his wife so I decided to drive him around to the various antique shops in Halifax for a quick peek. Long story short while looking in the showcase in one shop downtown, I noticed this beauty sitting there with a pricetag of $18.95. I immediatly asked to see it... I tried it and it worked. quickly offered him his asking price and bartered "Tax in" he agreed, now i am the proud owner of my moset searched for and not found razor. It is in really nice condition also. Just really pumped right now. The dial ajusts very solid, each setting snaps into place. the tto knob squeaks, Also I am not sure but I think I may have pushed an old man on the floor to get to it!





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I hope that old man you pushed is okay! :lol::lol: Great find!! It looks like its in good condition.
You gotta love the hefty feeling of a Fatboy in hand. Let's you know its a solid piece, and for less than 19$ is a steal at best!!
$20 in Halifax? Does this shop have any more of such inventory? Not necessarily a Fat Boy, but any other DEs a newbie like myself could use at an affordable price.
Great score!! A decent Fatboy has alluded me also...theres one in similar condition at a local antique shop, but they want $48 for it.
I'll just wait till I can hunt down a cheaper one in the wild...when you least expect it, one will show up.
I do have a black, long handle slim adjustable which I really like.

Happy shaving

I just had my 3rd shave with my FB, I couldnt get a decent one in my country so I brought a replated one off here.

its very shiny :)
Thats a great find, you got it almost for shipping price, I Think Fatboys are cheap at $65.00 some guys pay more for a modern 3 piece that made of cheap metal.

A Fat Boy is made of Solid Brass, its a TTO and adjustable, Also it is vintage and no longer in Production. Its not like you can walk into a modern store and buy one. I dont think FatBoys are over priced at all, when you take a look at the garbage modern Razors out there over priced. At $65.00 they are still a steal and then some..
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Man, that is a great feeling when you find exactly what you're looking for-congrats!
My Fat Boy effectively killed my RAD. It's the only razor I use now.
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