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So either of them on their own, I was not crazy about...

But grate it up and mash em together! YES!

I took a half a stick of Arko and a half a puck of MWF and grated them, mixed them together pretty well, then roughly rolled and molded them into a stick form. then, I took a piece of printer paper and rolled it up to about the size of the inside diameter of the shave stick tube (from WCS) and stuffed it in there, after coating the soap with some saran wrap. Since I use a Lavatube ecig, it is roughly the same diameter... so I pressed the soap really hard inside the paper using the Lavatube and it got to be an actual hybrid shave stick. Loaded it onto the stick tube from wcs and went at a test facelather. I have to say, the scent of the two of them mixed is just straight clean soap... The MWF really mellows out the Arko, and adds moisturizing properties thanks to the lanolin and tallow... and the Arko really helps the MWF lather like a champ. I think I like this mix... I am going to give it a go with the Toggle and Shark blade and see how that goes... I think I may be on to something here. :tongue_sm
I have a container of 'Frankensoap' where all my sample scraps go, and it's always interesting to dip a brush in there and see what comes out. It's got Mike's, Speick, La Toja, it makes for a very complex scent. No sense in wasting good soap!

The Arko/MWF combo sounds good, especially because it mellows the scent. I love Arko, but I always have to leave it in the open air for a month.
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