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Huntlee New Injector Razor

An announcement on the BullGoose website says a new American made Injector razor may be out by the holidays. This may be old news to some but I thought I would pass it on.
Unless it's in the price range of the Cobra, which, IIRC doesn't take standard injector blades, it should be worth trying one.
Here is an email response from Phil at BullGoose regarding this razor:

Hello Tony:

Thank you very much for your email and your interest. We are developing two razors and one of them (the SSI) will take Schick Injector blades. We are further away on this razor than we are on the Katana. Right now we are concentrating on the Katana and once we release it, we can begin concentrating on the SSI. It is turning out to be quite an involved process.

Best Regards,


Phil Huntsinger, Owner
BullGoose Shaving Supplies, LLC
(310) 533-9635

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I like the idea of the regular DE handle attachment. I could thread my LUX or Weber or maybe my tapped out nickel Fatip Grande. Any idea on price guys? As we know the Cobra is big bucks (unless you sanggled one real cheap off the bay like me).
I like the idea of the regular DE handle attachment. I could thread my LUX or Weber or maybe my tapped out nickel Fatip Grande. Any idea on price guys? As we know the Cobra is big bucks (unless you snagged one real cheap off the bay like me).
Hi StuMcB,

No idea yet. A Cobra on the bay! Superb!
Curious about what will emerge. While the Cobra is available/in production, a quality Schick-like injector (not the unusable knock-off which used to be available at Drugstore.com) isn't currently sold.
What would really float my boat would be a well made SE Razor built on the basis of the Gem(s).
Maybe the price at which a new Gem would be marketable doesn't justify the investment required.
Still...it's nice to dream!
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