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Humiliated at work today

LAte in day, sprayed a decant of Cuir Beluga since what I wore in AM had worn off.
Not long after, a coworker lady said "did you get back from eating dessert or chocolate? That's what you smell like" in a honest way.


Need to back off the gourmands. Note to self: Not what a man is supposed to smell like.

And yes I DO care what others think.
Well it would have been worse to hear "Oh you smell so good I could eat you right up" $smiley_ROFLMAO.gif
was just one spray to chest so not overspray. More a recent spray issue.
But it was discouraging. I dont want to smell like food, I want to smell like I'm wearing cologne.

This is the problem with a lot of niche and private line colognes. They smell good "in a bubble", but not necessarily what a man should smell like. I'm not going to start wearing overly masculine musky scents in a reactionary manner, but want to stay away from non-cologne smells. One I liked recently was the bottle of Bleecker St that I own. Very unisex. Smells green with a little vanilla. It is pleasant but not foodie and not over the top manly musk. Need more like that.
I've gotten lots of compliments on my cologne. I don't wear cologne, just Old Spice deodorant...
It is extremely tempting to start this thread heading for the ultimate B&B thread end; that of a discussion of the VEG.
...And yes I DO care what others think.

Just a thought: maybe you shouldn't "wear" any scent at work at all. Many workplaces I know have scent-free policies in place. Since one cannot contain the scent... you get the idea.
Here is an excerpt from a government website:

Can scents cause health problems?

When scented products have been blamed for adversely affecting a person's health, some or all of the following symptoms are reported:

  • headaches
  • dizziness, lightheadedness
  • nausea
  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • insomnia
  • malaise
  • confusion
  • loss of appetite
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • numbness
  • upper respiratory symptoms
  • shortness of breath
  • difficulty with concentration
  • skin irritation
Allergic and asthmatic patients, as well as those with other conditions, report that certain odours, even in the smallest amounts, can trigger an attack.
The severity of these symptoms can vary. Some people report mild irritation while others are incapacitated and/or must give up many 'normal' activities in order to avoid exposure (such as going to public places).
These reactions can be known as a condition called environmental sensitivities. According to the Women's College Hospital:
"Environmental sensitivities (ES) describes a chronic condition whereby a person has symptoms when exposed to certain chemicals or other environmental agents at low levels tolerated by most people. The symptoms may range in severity from mild to debilitating.
ES has also been called multiple chemical sensitivity, chemical intolerance, environmental hypersensitivity, environmental illness, toxicant-induced loss of tolerance, and idiopathic environmental intolerance."

Just a thought.
This is the problem with a lot of niche and private line colognes. They smell good "in a bubble", but not necessarily what a man should smell like. I'm not going to start wearing overly masculine musky scents in a reactionary manner, but want to stay away from non-cologne smells. One I liked recently was the bottle of Bleecker St that I own. Very unisex. Smells green with a little vanilla. It is pleasant but not foodie and not over the top manly musk. Need more like that.

I wasn't aware a man was supposed to smell a certain way.

that was my reaction, too

I refrain from additional sprays at work because the top notes are always so dispersive. I apply in the morning before I get there and it's all settled by the time I arrive. If something doesn't have staying power or I just need a little oomph, I have some samples I keep for dabbing. But I have never once thought I smell "wrong." I wear what I want because I like it - whether I smell like a fur coat, a pizza, or cat ****. I just try to keep it to myself.
Unless your co-worker was in extremely close proximity to you (as in almost touching), you are wearing too much scent for work. IMO of course.

Without knowing the particulars I will have to concur with this statement. Maybe it's my current affinity for "skin scents" but, in my experience that the scent should only be able to be smelled by the wearer and the person in the wearer's embrace. You never want to be that guy leaving the cloud of Le Male behind him so people can not only smell, but taste your parfum once you've left the room.


Some very good comments in this thread. I appreciate the feedback and discussion. I learned a lesson today. I really like what Chandos said - this has made me think twice about doing a re-spritz at work. The coworker smelled it just after I sprayed it about 10 min earlier, and I only did 1 spray to the chest. I guess the topnotes were still very strong.
was just one spray to chest so not overspray. More a recent spray issue.
But it was discouraging. I dont want to smell like food, I want to smell like I'm wearing cologne.

This is the problem with a lot of niche and private line colognes. They smell good "in a bubble", but not necessarily what a man should smell like. I'm not going to start wearing overly masculine musky scents in a reactionary manner, but want to stay away from non-cologne smells. One I liked recently was the bottle of Bleecker St that I own. Very unisex. Smells green with a little vanilla. It is pleasant but not foodie and not over the top manly musk. Need more like that.
Could have been worse. Could have been cat urine.
It is extremely tempting to start this thread heading for the ultimate B&B thread end; that of a discussion of the VEG.
Look at what you did.
This is one of many reasons why I stay away from Gourmand Fragrances., I don't want to smell like Cookie Dough, or Cake or whatever.
However, I do Concur with Chandos about the one spray in the morning.
I love the Gourmands and always get positive comments on them.
Body chemistry has so much to do with this hobby.
Truly another case of YMMV.
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