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How to wrap presents with a cat

Heck, it worked like a charm, and tided me over through the dark days until I discovered my rare and foolproof ability to sweettalk any woman I desire. :lol:

If you thought that having a cat was actually working, apparently this mysterious skill already existed...

1. Clear large space on table for wrapping present.
2. Go to wardrobe and collect bag in which present is contained, then close door.
3. Open back door and drop-kick the cat to the bottom of the garden.
4. Wrap present in peace.

It's no easier with a dog, let me assure you. Except there is a step 40 when you have a small dog that's very mobile...Attempt to find place to store present where dog won't unwrap it!
I suppose I should feel lucky that my cat doesn't like me and won't go anywhere near me (unless I have food).
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