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How to fix a slim adjustable

Was wondering if anyone knew how to fix a 72 slim adjustable. Everything opens and it clicks threw the number the problem is the head doesnt raise. It shaves like its stuck on 9, it seems to me like the spring that raises and lowers the head is broke. Was wondering if anyone knew were I could send it to or a possible fix? Any help would be appreciated.
There isn't a spring that raises the head. The plate is supposed to slide freely up and down - it's the dial itself that raises it up by pushing it as it dials up. Sounds like gunk built up between the adjustment plate and the handle

A good soaking might free it up, and you can help it out by pushing up and down on the plate - gently. If you must use tools, pad them.
You will probably have to fix it yourself. I don't know of any service. Search the Safety Razor threads for some ides. This seems to come up often.

There isn't a spring that raises the head. The plate is supposed to slide freely up and down - it's the dial itself that raises it up by pushing it as it dials up. Sounds like gunk built up between the adjustment plate and the handle

A good soaking might free it up, and you can help it out by pushing up and down on the plate - gently. If you must use tools, pad them.

Hmm wondering if that plate is broke then, cause I can push it up freely when I clock it down to 1 it just doesnt stay.
Hmm wondering if that plate is broke then, cause I can push it up freely when I clock it down to 1 it just doesnt stay.

Could you post a close-up picture of it? Or maybe describe what it looks like dialed down to 1.
When dialed down to 1 and held upright so the adjustment plate makes contact with the dial, do those 4 upright things just barely clear the bottom of the blade tray, or are they up quite a ways?

btw, it isn't supposed to stay up, it's supposed to rest on the dial, and the doors closing down on it with a blade in keeps it down.
Not sure how well the info in my thread will translate to a Slim (we're talking black handled super slim or an all metal slim adjustable?) - but I went through an exercise fixing a couple of Fatboys that might have some relevant tips to help you:


Partial disassembly following the first few steps in the guide linked in my thread followed by a soak in gently boiling water with some dishsoap worked on two of my adjustables and might be worth a shot.
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