1. Bid way to high on a butterscotch with a visable defect in the patina.
2. Be pretty sure the flaw will buff out.
(It didn't)
3. Don't pay close attention while sawing off the knot with your band saw.
(I knicked the top of the brush handle with the saw blade.)
4. Remove remainder of knot with a Forstner bit on the drill press.
(Be sure to curse at your misfortune.)(Use double sided carpet tape to secure handle to smooth piece of wood.
clamp wood to drill press table)
5. While I could have lived with a defect in the patina, a quarter inch gouge
in the handle, I could not abide.
6. Place brush handle on an arbor. chuck in drill press and remove
butterscotch patina with sandpaper and steel wool.
(mutter to yourself about removing fourty or fifty years of charactor. Be
sure to whimper a bit every few minutes.)
7. After removing patina inspect brush handle. Decide there are small traces
of butterscotch left in the finish.
8. Think of a way to remove last traces of history. (Bleach Bath!)
9. Think of a way to remove the ungodly Turnip red purple color that
celuloid turns after being dipped in bleach.
10. See step 6. Replace the word "butterscotch" with "ungodly red Purple".
11. Buff handle with wax.
12. Glue one UK 20mm Super Badger Fan Knot in Handle.
13. Smile because it didn't turn out too bad.
2. Be pretty sure the flaw will buff out.
(It didn't)
3. Don't pay close attention while sawing off the knot with your band saw.
(I knicked the top of the brush handle with the saw blade.)
4. Remove remainder of knot with a Forstner bit on the drill press.
(Be sure to curse at your misfortune.)(Use double sided carpet tape to secure handle to smooth piece of wood.
clamp wood to drill press table)
5. While I could have lived with a defect in the patina, a quarter inch gouge
in the handle, I could not abide.
6. Place brush handle on an arbor. chuck in drill press and remove
butterscotch patina with sandpaper and steel wool.
(mutter to yourself about removing fourty or fifty years of charactor. Be
sure to whimper a bit every few minutes.)
7. After removing patina inspect brush handle. Decide there are small traces
of butterscotch left in the finish.
8. Think of a way to remove last traces of history. (Bleach Bath!)
9. Think of a way to remove the ungodly Turnip red purple color that
celuloid turns after being dipped in bleach.
10. See step 6. Replace the word "butterscotch" with "ungodly red Purple".
11. Buff handle with wax.
12. Glue one UK 20mm Super Badger Fan Knot in Handle.
13. Smile because it didn't turn out too bad.