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how much is a gillette slim adjustable costs? and about the fatboy

hello. I just want to ask. I just won a gillette slim adjustable for 22$ is it worth the price? I Have a Futur and I don't like it much. it is just too heavy and the head s way too big.

and about the fatboy. which do you prefer, a fatboy or a slim adjustable? and thank you.


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if you are happy with it, it's a good price. hard to tell condition from the tiny picture.

regardless of price, the Slim is probably my favourite razor and there is a good reason I own 4 of them...they are amazing.
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I have both the Slim and the Fatboy. Personally, I prefer to shave with the Fatboy. It just seems to go smoother for me. Many other people will tell you just the opposite. Both the Slim and the Fatboy can be purchased for affordable prices so my suggestion is you go get yourself a Fatboy and spend some shaves comparing.

Good luck.
I'd say that's a fair price for a Slim. I was lucky enough to score mine for free. I can't speak to the comparison between a Slim and a Fat Boy, but I think the Slim's a pretty good razor. Congrats on the score!
As someone already mentioned, a thing is worth whatever you're willing to pay for it. I pay what I pay for my razors and never give it a second thought, even when I'm spending upwards of $100.
You did not over pay. Sounds like a fair deal. I don't care for my fatboy. Merkur 34c, 37c, EJ89 are better razors for me.
Try it and see. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination. That is what this hobby is all about. Myself, I don't know what the fascination is with Fatboys? I have recently acquired a nice one myself but I don't think its everyone's go to daily razor. As for the adjustable slim, I think its a bit on the ugly, utilitarian side. YMMV
I paid about 60something for my slim, but it's in pristine condition. Looks like it came out of the box new, and I paid that much on eBay because I just don't have the time to clean up and restore a razor in less than perfect condition.

I had a chance to buy 2 slims for around 30 bucks online, but they weren't in great condition. They needed to be cleaned and def replated, and I just barely have enough time to spend shaving at night or in the day.

I paid a premium for the work that was done, that I couldn't do myself.
Try it and see. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination. That is what this hobby is all about. Myself, I don't know what the fascination is with Fatboys? I have recently acquired a nice one myself but I don't think its everyone's go to daily razor. As for the adjustable slim, I think its a bit on the ugly, utilitarian side. YMMV

you are absolutely right. it is like food. there is no best dish that suits everybody. I am thinking of a fatboy and after that a merkur 37c slant. until I find the best razor for me. I have a futur, Ej89 lined. Lord (which I used for 2 months and loved it! but don't know the number). gillette old type single ring, an antique chinese razor which is green in color and very small (can't read chinese), and some razor that I don't even know the name of it(my first safety razor). not to mention razor blades.( I think I am leaning towards gillette nacet, or maybe supermax blue diamond, astra sp is a good choice also).

after trying the slim adjustable, fatboy, and merkur 37c slant. I will stop and see which one suits me best. and that's my problem. I don't know which one suits me best. but in any case. I will never look back to fusion. modern razors are a joke. if I had a choice between a random DE safety razor with a random blade and fusion. I will still pick up that random razor. shaving with a safety razor is always fun! can't wait to shave after tomorow!
I paid less than 10 for the two i have but i bought the second one because the first was so good. They were both purchased in need of some cleaning but maybe an hour of scrubbing and polishing and they were good to go. It is and has for some time been my daily razor. One lives at home and the other at the girlfriends place i almost wont shave with out one now. You wont be dissapointed!

If it is in good shape, which it seems to be, judging by the picture, I think it is a decent price. Think about this: it can outlive you, maybe generations after you.
It's hard to find one in good condition for that little, I dare say. I agree with all those who said the Slim is a great razor.
I paid about 23 on eBay for a slim. I bought a couple of fatboys for about 35 apiece. I then bought a black handle slim for about 22. I can say the fatboys are not very aggressive. I open them up all the way to 9 and I still don't get a close close shave. The slims are also not as aggressive as I want. I can take a parker fixed blade and shave stubble that the fatboys and slim leave behind. It might be my technique but I am completely satisfied with the gillette adjustable. Another thing I learned is even with a Gillette opened up at nine, I have a rinse a lot more often than with my parker fixed blade. Oh well these Gillette adjustables are pretty cool little tools I just wish they were more aggressive
I've picked up one of each, Fatboy and Slim in the last few weeks. I've now spent 1 week shaving with each. I prefer the feel of the Fatboy but the Slim seems to be a more aggressive shaver. As always around here, YMMV. I will undoubtedly keep both but I foresee preferring the Fatboy. BTW, I use a "9" setting on both and have had near-BBS with both.


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Finished up a week of BBS shaves with my slim and face lathering my Kent BLK8 with some PdP....man, that was a good week.

To me, the Slim is the best vintage adjustable ever made. Out of the FB, Slim, Toggle and Super Adjustable (all of which I own or have tried) the Slim wins.

its not as sought after, not as collectible, not as flashy, but it's cheap and reliable and gives me the best shave of all the above razors.
I have both and prefer the slim with its lower profile head. With an Astra blade does exactly what I want in a razor - close but without irritation. The fat boy is not as smooth for me but I think mine may be slightly out of adjustment. I have three slims and I paid between $28-$35 for them, but they were in pristine condition. I think $30-$35 is a great price especially if they are in really good shape.
I have both the Slim and the Fatboy. Personally, I prefer to shave with the Fatboy. It just seems to go smoother for me. Many other people will tell you just the opposite. Both the Slim and the Fatboy can be purchased for affordable prices so my suggestion is you go get yourself a Fatboy and spend some shaves comparing.

Good luck.
Don't they and the super share the same head ?
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