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How much DR Harris to apply to face?

I have read that you only need a two or three drops, but I tried that and it didn't seem like enough. How much is suggested to sufficiently apply to your face?
For the Milk, I just need a drop. For the AS, I usually use 2 shakes. It all depends on skin type. Use as much as you need.
Preshave oil is regarded to be well used at 2-3 drops. But the a/s of D.R. Harris is different, I use about 7-12 drops depending on the mood I'm in.
Use as much as you need.

This actually is the de facto rule for all shaving products. Nobody can tell you how much of a product will work for you. Only you can figure it out.* Indeed, use as much as you need.

*The one exception to this is use of colognes, where it may well require someone telling you you're using too much for you to get the hint.
For the Milk, I just need a drop. For the AS, I usually use 2 shakes. It all depends on skin type. Use as much as you need.

I agree with Austin, although I would amend it to read: "Use as much as you like."
I don't recall seeing anything in the regulations about how much is too much, or too little.
Be like Goldilocks. Keep experimenting until you find what, for you, is just right!


Someone with video equipment really needs to make a vid about how to correctly apply aftershave...

Per your linked post, I put on SMN aftershave at full strength and do just fine with it; it's designed to be used that way.

And really...the day we need to made video instructions for applying aftershave is the day we all need to stop procreating and agree we have failed as a species.
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