With the premature dulling threads recently I have wondered "how many shaves to the center of a straight razor"- Not really, I just want to know how many shaves before I have to touch up on the stones.
I plan on using the same razor with every shave and no pastes, sprays-nada. I will shave and strop only on the Kanayama-first suede then the leather. I will keep using this same razor until the shaves become uncomfortable.
I shaved with this razor this morning after a touch up last night. This razor was previously honed on a Oozuko Asagi with a 5 stone nagura progression.
The countdown starts today.
The razor is a 6/8 TI
If I have to shave with the same razor everyday, at least lets make it a good one.
I predict about 10 shaves.
I plan on using the same razor with every shave and no pastes, sprays-nada. I will shave and strop only on the Kanayama-first suede then the leather. I will keep using this same razor until the shaves become uncomfortable.
I shaved with this razor this morning after a touch up last night. This razor was previously honed on a Oozuko Asagi with a 5 stone nagura progression.
The countdown starts today.
The razor is a 6/8 TI

If I have to shave with the same razor everyday, at least lets make it a good one.
I predict about 10 shaves.