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How many shaves out of a Feather AC blade for you?

10 shaves seems to be the magic number for me. Shave 11 starts to tug a bit, and there is a noticeable decrease in comfort. So:

Blade: Feather Professional
# of Shaves: 10 good shaves
# passes/shave: 2 (1xWTG, 1xATG)

What about you guys? Chime in with your experience! I've heard anywhere from 3 all the way up to 20 shaves per blade.

I used to get at least seven. Post shave I would dry the blade and dip in alcohol for about three seconds then let it air dry. In my experience this prolongs a blade's life.
I think I probably get a few extra shaves because I only shave my cheeks & neck. I wear a thin line beard, only a little more than a goatee, so I don't shave my chin & mustache. Maybe???
I've never counted the shaves on a blade, and as i change razors pretty much every day it's difficult to say exactly. I'd probably estimate around 10 though.
9-15, thats a pretty big range! I'm surprised to hear such a big difference between blades. What do you find affects the blade life in your routine?

Its more a matter of getting bored using the same blade, so Id change it out earlier sometimes. If you want a tighter range, Id say 12.
Currently a neck only shaver (Beard) with my Feather AC RG. Doing 3 WTG passes on my neck I have gotten has many as 49 shaves with a Pro blade. In general I seem to get 40+ shaves per blade this way. When the shave is done, I take the Feather AC apart, clean it and the blade with water and let it dry before putting it all back together.
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Two or three. Mine only gets used for travel, so the blades sit until the next trip, get replaced, repeat.
7 or 8 and if you don't change it right when it starts tugging you pay a price. Not worth stretching Feather blades too far.
Feather pro - one
Feather super - two
Kai titan mild - tugs first shave.

10 seems to be a pretty common number. Except the 40+ one, wow! and Fuzzy Chops, 1-2?! Yikes, and I thought my facial hair was coarse. I guess putting a poll would have been a good idea for this thread.
10 seems to be a pretty common number. Except the 40+ one, wow! and Fuzzy Chops, 1-2?! Yikes, and I thought my facial hair was coarse. I guess putting a poll would have been a good idea for this thread.

Frankthetank, just to point it out, I only use it on my neck. So much less hair to cut.
Feather Pro: 6-9 (when these are pooped, you know it)
Kai Mild : 5-6 (ok, wouldn't buy again)
Dorco: 7-8 (surprised me, keepers)
Feather ProGuard: 12-14, could go longer

One pass WTG, one pass XTG, cleanup
Feather pro - one
Feather super - two
Kai titan mild - tugs first shave.

I have that backwards, should be one from the super and two from the pro. The super is supposed to be for heavier beards as it sharper with a smaller final bevel angle, but the pro with its larger bevel angle seems to be more durable.
I use all of these blades for 15 shaves (Feather Pro, super Pro, Kai Mild, Dorco) and then take a new blade. In the past I have stropped the blades to prolong there lifespan, you could go a long way (I've done more then a month with daily face and head shaves). But I don't bother any more, I have so much blades that I'll probably will no longer be able to keep a steady hands long before those are used up.

For those who have just started using these blades, when I first started I could only get a few shaves out of a blade but over time that changed a lot. It's like when someone starts learning with a straight razor, the blade gets dull in 2 to 3 shaves but with time people see that growing to weeks/months instead of days.
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