After reading the razor blade thread, I started wondering how many soaps you all own? Hundreds? I just started and already have four tubs/tins, a bunch of samples, and a lot more on the way. Pictures of your collections would be cool too.
Kent SC tubePanna Crema Namaste
Mike's Bay Rum
I Coloniali Mango Oil Croap
RazoRock Mudder Focker
Speick stick grated into glass dish
Nancy Boy Signature SC
TSD Wheat SC Iced Eucalyptus
Lea Sensitive SC
C&E West Indian Lime SC
Nine. That's it? Kinda disappointed in myself. Need to get buying and stop selling.
I'd say I'm definitely in the 50 to 100 range for soaps. Add tubes and tubs of cream and probably close to 150. Just a guess. BTW, that's more than you really NEED.