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How many mags do you buy? – (No Politics Please)

So let me start by saying this is not intended to provoke a political discussion and I know it's tough because it's a big factor, but that said, I feel it's an important part of firearm ownership and I'd love to get my fellow B&B members thoughts on the subject.

How many mags to you own for each handgun and why? (range guns vs. carry guns vs. bedside, competition, etc.)

As for me, it depends on the gun. For example, I don't feel the need to have more than 2 on my .22 as I wouldn't carry or use it as a form of protection, but my bedside gun (which also comes to the range) I have more for. I like to keep 2 in the safe beside my bed and two in the range bag and a few "back ups" just in case.

What do you guys do?
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I have three for my Glock 19 just so I don't have to re-load them at the range, but I have only one mag in for home defense. I doubt I would think to grab a light and another mag and gear up in my jammies. If I need that many rounds there is real trouble. I have 2 for my Glock 26 which I never use it is too bulky to carry IWB, 1 for my Diamond back DB9 my fav if I carry, love the new updated version of this that fixed perevious problems, it is the smallest 9mm out there. Super comfortable to carry IWB .

My sig AR 15 I have 3 magpul P-Mags and the 1 metal sig type that came with it. Can't get them at all now. I paid $15.00ea and see them for $90.00 if you can find them. I did manage to get a can of some Lake City 556 at bulk ammo.com. Hard to find any 223 or 556 at all.
I have two for my buckmark 22, just so I don't have to reload as much. 5 for my XDm and 6 for my glock 26, but the only reason is because I occasionally shoot IDPA with both pistols. If I can ever get my glock 17, i'll probably have atleast 10 mags for it as that will probably become my dedicated IDPA gun, and its nice to have the extra mags and not have to reload. My friend that also shoots IDPA has probably 20 mags for each pistol, in case of failures and so he doesn't have to reload at all.

But for the average person, I would say at least 2 mags, probably 3 if planning on being used as a self defense gun. I always have one mag for the pistol I carry with just HD rounds, the rest are used for the range.
For me it varies. One pistol I have 25 mags for. Others, 10 or 12 for.
My duty weapon I have 7 mags loaded in various places.

At home on the nightstand, one 15 rnd mag in the pistol.
I have three each for my handguns. One for keeping in the safe with self-defense loads, two to use at the range. I occasionally rotate the mags so as not to have one that is constantly compressed.
I try to have at least two for my hand guns. I have 4 for what I soon hope to be able to carry (Springfield XDSC 9mm)
I like to have at least three magazines each of my guns. One in the gun, and two spares. It's just a nice round number. For guns that I might shoot in IDPA, I think five is a minimum. One in the gun, two on the belt, and two spares. For a gun that I might carry, a minimum of two. One in the gun, one spare on the belt. It's probably good to have several backups for a carry gun since the springs will be compressed more.
I shoot Bullseye and Steel Challenge and have 5-7 magazines per firearm. 1-2 magazines per non-competition firearm. Glad I bought them when I did.

For my guns I use ie carry, hunt, or competition I like to have at least ten magazines. In some cases I have more (P99 and AR's) others I have fewer such as my STI Edge since the mags are about $90 each.
I like to have at least one spare for each gun, just in case one breaks. They probably aren't even all loaded at once. I'm not paying for range time by the hour, so taking the time to reload isn't an issue.

Revolvers and shotguns are my go to weapons for home defense. I can keep them loaded and ready without having to worry about stresses on magazine springs for something that will see little use.

I don't want a weapon to become useless just because it's an old gun and my only magazine becomes useless. I'm running into that with an old off brand .22 rifle right now.
I have a minimum 5 per firearm, though I do share a bunch of varying quality between the 1911's. I have a more AR and HK91 mags than I know what to do with. As some others have said, I'm glad I bought them then and don't have to buy them now.

I have pretty much always had two per firearm. Rifles and fun guns don't merit the extra cash, for me, my bed-side I have two mags for, but only keep one loaded in the pistol. I figure if I can't get the job done with one, I've got bigger problems........ :biggrin1:
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