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How many DE blades to sample?

I'm new to DE shaving (about 2 months in). Though I have wet shaved with straights a few years ago. I since gave it up because it was too time consuming and I never really got great shaves. I think my stropping technique was to blame. I have a nice Dovo straight but could never get it to shave ready sharpness. So I reluctantly went back to cartridges (Gillette Fusion, Pro-Glide) sometime used cheapo disposables. Always got razor burn, bumps etc.

I picked up the VDH (Weishi) DE razor and 5 pack of VDH blades one night at Target. Had I done a little more research beforehand I would have gotten a Merkur 34C to start. I had already had some VDH soap and the brush / bowl / stand I had from my straight setup. I figured if I could handle straights I could handle a DE.

After doing a bit of research I realized I had a very mild razor and a pack of blades that most people didn't like and were overpriced. But I'm glad I got it because it got me interested in wet shaving again. I've since replaced my brush with a Perfecto Badger brush as my old one was constantly loosing hairs. I bought RazoRock's metholated lime pre-shave glycerine soap and alum block. I threw out my cheap CVS brand alcohol based aftershave and replaced it with RazoRock lime problem solver splash and Captain's Choice Bay Rum balm. I also bought Mitchell's Wool Fat soap which I'm looking forward to using once my VDH soap puck runs out. I bought a Merkur 39C slant as well but have yet to use it.

As far a DE blades, I bought a few sampler packs on ebay and amazon. I have 17 different blades at this point (18 if you count Feather black and yellow as separate). I would think that ought to be enough to figure out the best blade for me. I also created a spreadsheet with a listing of all the blades and columns for notes on each blade. I am using 1 blade from each pack on the VDH and taking notes. Once I'm thru the first round I'll try each blade in the 39C. This will give me a few months more experience before I try the slant.

Here is my current DE blade list:
Shark Chrome
Gillette Platinum
Gillette Silver Blue
Gillette 7 O'Clock Green Super Stainless
Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow SharpEdge
Gillette 7 O'Clock Blue Super Platinum
Gillette 7 O'Clock Black Super Platinum
Crystal (IP)
Personna Red Pack
Personna Med Prep
Personna Lab Blue
Feather Black
Feather Yellow

Any other DE blades I should be adding to this list? How many blades did other try before finding the right blade for them?
I sampled till I found one I really liked Then 3 months later I tried the others again. After all these years my mug likes Astra SP , Personnna Red pack and Yellow 7 O'clock ones , also try different razors as you go. My favorite in a Schick KRONA it made even Feathers work great for my mug.

Test document and as your tech improves you can use even the sharpest blades with no blood.
I'm a fan of the German Wilkinsons, Voskhods and Gillette Nacets (adding to your list) but on your list the Personna Lab and Gillette Silver Blue are both bulk purchases for me (price and quality in perfect balance).

You have an extensive blade collection. I suggest that you find one or two blades that work, then stick with those while you nail down your technique. Then resume trying blades (including those you did not like initially). Your tastes may well change as your technique improves!

Also, my preferences for blades depend on the razor. So new razor means a new blade selection process for me.
Welcome to the forum! I found it helpful to stick with one set-up, i.e. one razor/blade combo (in my case it was a Merkur 38C and Astra SP) for the first little while, until I developed some confidence in my technique. Then I began to experiment with different blades to find what I liked best. There's a lot to choose from, but it's all part of the fun of DE shaving...enjoy! :001_smile
Welcome to B&B. As others have said, you have more than enough blades to work through. I would not add any more than you currently have. I'm sure you will find your blade in that extensive collection.
Any other DE blades I should be adding to this list? How many blades did other try before finding the right blade for them?

I always recommend a new DE shaver get a 100 count carton of Astra blades (they are around $10-12 delivered through Amazon).

After they get half of the carton used (2-3 months) they should know how to shave by then and can start looking at different blades.

I have seen way too many new shavers grab a large "sampler package" and get awful shave after awful shave from each and every brand, blaming their problems on the razor blades and never leaning how to shave.

Pick one blade.
Prep your beard properly
Map your beard (so you know which way WTG, XTG, ATG is)
Stretch your skin while shaving
Use short rapid strokes and keep a consistent blade angle.

If you do all of the above you should be able to shave with any blade stuffed into any razor and get a perfect shave time after time.
I never really sampled blades. I first started with the Merkur blade included with my 34C, then blind bought a 100-pack of Astra SP's based on user reviews. Not the best policy, but it ended up working out for me. Astras are the only blade I use and though I've tried others, nothing gives me the shave that they do. Your mileage may vary.
I can count at least 7 of those blades in that list I love and another 7 I would not hesitate to use so you ought to find some good ones in that lot of plenty. After you work through that fairly extensive list you will find a few that stand out for you and you can stock up in your favorites.
But man that list is probably about as many as I tried for 30 years.
Also don"t write of the ones you don't like as you might like them later as your skills improve. You may find you like them better later or a different razor likes them.
Welcome Aboard.
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Raven Koenes

My precious!

You have an extensive blade collection. I suggest that you find one or two blades that work, then stick with those while you nail down your technique. Then resume trying blades (including those you did not like initially). Your tastes may well change as your technique improves!

Also, my preferences for blades depend on the razor. So new razor means a new blade selection process for me.

+1 This :thumbup1:
That is more than enough. I only sampled 4-5 lest I become dazed and confused by all the choices.

Ditto. And use your slant. If you've perfected your routine with the VDH you can handle it.

Welcome to B&B. As others have said, you have more than enough blades to work through. I would not add any more than you currently have. I'm sure you will find your blade in that extensive collection.
I'm in a wise guy mood today...
So, if you are doing some testing, does that mean you will use the same razor, prep, and soap throughout the testing period?
(Can you, without shedding a tear?) :w00t:
I'm in a wise guy mood today...
So, if you are doing some testing, does that mean you will use the same razor, prep, and soap throughout the testing period?
(Can you, without shedding a tear?) :w00t:

My plan is to only change the blades and keep everything the same (except the soap - my VDH soap puck is almost gone have the Mitchells wool fat soap ready to go)

First go thru everything with the VDH razor, then again with the 39C
Ditto. And use your slant. If you've perfected your routine with the VDH you can handle it.

I tried the slant this morning with the Merkur blade that it came with. Its definitely a completely different feeling holding it than the tiny VDH. Will take some adjusting. My hand was actually cramping a bit so maybe I need to loosen my grip a bit. Not a great shave but I don't think its the fault of the slant. I have some irritation on my neck a check from that seem to have come from the Gillette platinums. Right now my face is looking pretty beat up
I tried the slant this morning with the Merkur blade that it came with. Its definitely a completely different feeling holding it than the tiny VDH. Will take some adjusting. My hand was actually cramping a bit so maybe I need to loosen my grip a bit. Not a great shave but I don't think its the fault of the slant. I have some irritation on my neck a check from that seem to have come from the Gillette platinums. Right now my face is looking pretty beat up

Guess I should have thrown in a YMMV. Have you used a Merkur blade before? I find them rather harsh but YM...
Best of luck!

I recommend the earlier poster who suggested getting 100 Astra SP blades and using them to get your technique down. It's worked for me as I've moved from Gillette to Merkur, soap to KMF cream, and badger to boar. Astra SP and Personna Labs for me.
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