I'm thinking about giving striaghts a try. I've read through the Interactive Straight Sticky. Looks like there's not only a lot of skills to master, but each skill has a steep learning curve. Not knowing if I'll even like a straight (but willing to give it a go), my question is, if I get a shave ready straight, how long should I expect it to last until it needs to be re-honed? I see most straight shavers recommend focusing on the shave first and honing only after you decide to stay straight. With that in mind, how easy is it to get a razor honed? I see lots of honemeister resources. I guess a better question is, how long does it take from the time you send it in to the time you get it back? Is it feasable to shave straight for a long period of time before learning how to hone (i.e. always having a honemeister do your honing)?