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How likely are you to buy a synthetic shave brush in the near future?

How likely are you to buy a synthetic shave brush in the near future?

  • No interest at all

  • Tempted somewhat

  • No opinion

  • Probably will buy

  • Already own

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I've been working with a team that has been testing synthetic brushes for the last four months. We have hoped to shed some light on the newest generation of synthetic shaving brushes.

When we began, we felt that however the synths tested, there would always be shavers who would prefer natural bristle brushes for their own reasons.

Here is a chance to weigh in on the topic. I am interested where you fall on the spectrum of brush preferences, and more importantly, WHY.

Please explain your choice below in a post to this thread.
I am planning to try a Muhle synthetic. The reports about the quality of the softness, ease of lather, and efficiency with the product all seem attractive to me, and it might be nice to use a fast drying syntheytic for travel.

I have some nice brushes now, Semogue Boar, Rooney Silvertip, Thater 2-band silvertip, and the synthetic seems to be a natural brush to fill in a gap in there. As a newb (about a month in to DE wet shaving) I still don't know what I will like best, so I am open to trying all the things.


I got moves like Jagger
I have a HIS en route in the mail, due 100% to the threads here.
I'm normally a face latherer and have trouble getting boars to work for me in that regard, but no issues with them in a bowl. Nice soft badgers with good flow through seem to be my cup'o'tea and I normally use a Berkeley in Best but a Tulip-2 2-band Super arrived today for me to play with.
I voted for "no interest at all" --which is true, though I do also own a synthetic brush which I no longer use.

I have no good reason for voting "no interest at all" other than the fact that all of the brushes I have been thinking about buying are badger hair.
Voted no interest. Nothing against the synthetics but still want to get the traditional feeling. Synthetic is like a going to a new technology and comparable to a changing razors back to a cartridges.
Among the 8 brushes I currently own, 2 are synthetic:

Mühle Stylo Thuja wood 21 mm STF
Mühle Classic Ivory Horn 25 mm STF

I really like them - lather explosion taken to a whole new level.......

I'm tempted......
I have a H.I.S. that with some major tuning would be a best. I also have a custom Chubby style FS synth on the way, and I'm trying to get a Mühle knot to test, but its slow going making that happen. I'm curious to say the least after my experience with the H.I.S.
Started with a Men 'U' synth and for the money the handle was crapola. It got less and less use as the days went buy. However after eading the recent threads about synths I thought I'd try one again but just for travel. The Bodyshop proved a turning point for me but agian the handle wasn't upto much. I treated myself and went with a custom FS faux horn synth but got a great suprise on arrival. Wrong brush handle, 26/55 horn chubby. SWEET!!! no probs, my fave FS handle shape. Have used it since, it loves ARKO and Derby but for some reason hates DR. Harris stick. For me the right combo of softness and size, and will be a great traveler.
Having recently got a Muhle R41 I ended up reading their leaflet I had with it going on about their synthetic brushes. I love the styling of them and a lot of what they say makes sense to me as well so I can see myself buying one at some point in the very near future.

I've only got a very cheap boar brush at the moment and would also like a badger.

for me I would want at least of each kind. I can't see any logical reason not to try a synthetic brush
I have just bought a Mühle Silvertip Fibre. First thing in the morning I'll try it out. Already felt very soft on the hand.
About the price tag: when compared to actual silvertip brushes they're actually quite cheap.
If it performs as well as I've read then I'm hooked. I'm all for tradition, but result is the single most important factor.
I choose a high performing soap with a slightly modern scent of a potential-shower-puck with a powdery, old school scent anytime.
Tried a Muehle Silvertip Fibre... Did not like the feel on the face... Won't try again... I am a badger guy...
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