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How do you tell one Gilette from the other?

Some have date codes while others you just have to look at pictures here is the B&B directory and it's an excellent place to start. Good Luck!!
If you can't post a picture, at least look under the head for a LETTER and NUMBER (each single) date code and let us know what it is, along with a description of the razor (three pieces? turn knob on bottom to open? adjustment dial with numbers? color of handle?)
You probably don't. Slim adjustables aren't particularly expensive. If you wanted one, buy another one.

If there is sentimental value to it though, I understand, but razors in general are just very difficult to repair.

But again, you've just posted an incredibly vague question.

Broken how?
It looks like a Slim adjustable. Now, if it is broken, how can I fix it?

Depends on the kind of broken that it is. Bent safety bars and bent door hinges happen from time to time, and if you look around here you'll find threads explaining how to delicately bend things back into place.
For truly broken parts, it would be cheaper and easier to just get another one, as you would need another one anyways just to replace the parts. If this razor has great sentimental value, it can be done - and there are threads and people here who know how (it's not terribly hard to do once it's explained with pictures) - just know that when you take it apart there is a chance of irreversible damage.
The razor has the code H3, meaning it is older than me!:001_smile

I don't know what may be broken. I haven't tried shaving with it yet. I cleaned it last week with a cream of tartar solution. I was able to get all but a trace of the rust stains out of the head.
The razor being plated brass, any rust you are seeing is from a blade (they are made of steel), and can be removed. Try some scrubbing bubbles and a toothbrush, or try a mild metal polish. The rust should go away pretty easily.

What on the razor is broken? Sounds like this one does have sentimental value, and it is quite likely that folks here can guide you to a successful repair with enough information. :thumbup1:
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