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How do you store Palmolive stick when traveling

Just started using the Palmolive Shaving Stick. I really enjoy the lather and smell.

Since we travel quite a bit, I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for storing the soap when traveling or just using at home? Did Palmolive make a holder for the stick?

I know I can rig something to work, but would rather have something specifically designed for shaving sticks. One of the shaving sticks I use comes in a plastic tube with a screw bottom. It works like a deodorant container. Any suggestions on duplicating this?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I use an old (vintage) shave stick container. "Parba Raktvål"
Metal tube with a lid with small airholes on.
They come up regularly on the bay for a few bucks.

Otherwise I've seen people use the pill-tubes you get for prescibed medicine in the States, you know the orange thingys.

Here is a few other suggestions:
I use an old (vintage) shave stick container.
Metal tube with a lid with small airholes on

+1 on the vintage tube, mine's part of a vintage travel set with a couple of chromed holders...other one for a brush.

As long as you let the stick dry before packing, they're pretty resilient.
I use several different sticks one of which is the Lea Shave Stick from Shaveabuck. I removed one of the Lea sticks from the holder and inserted the Palmolive stick, problem solved. The fit is perfect and the loose Lea stick is stored in a container. Btw the Lea stick is an excellent performer.
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Small ziplock snack baggie, which holds a couple of small cream sample cups, too. I also have a old disposable Boots shave stick case that fits the Palmolive stick very well.
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