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How do you define weeper, nick, cut, gash, etc?

Do you DE and Straight veterans have consistently bloodless shaves? seems a little confusing without a clear disctinction between weeper, nick, and cut. The wiki has a definition for a weeper. What about nick and cut? And what do we call a deep cut that's still bleeding profusely after the shave? Or something so bad it requires stitches?

To start off, this is from that same thread:
it's not really a cut if it disappears the moment alum or witch hazel hits it.
I think the wording of the original post is pretty clear. Bloodless disallows any of the things you've listed.

I think the distinction between a nick and a cut is strictly one of length. If it has some length to it, it's a cut. If it's a "spot", it's a nick.

And I disagree about the alum comment. Bloodless is bloodless.

- Chris
To me a weeper is when there is a little bit of blood but no obvious nick or cut. Sometimes after the warm water rinse I'll see a tiny bit of blood on the neck but if I wipe the blood off there's nothing visible there. These are what I would call "weepers."

In reality, they must be very small cuts, otherwise why would they bleed? But mine usually stop with just a cold water rinse. If it requires more than a cold water rinse and witchhazel to stop, it's probably a nick. :smile:
I think the wording of the original post is pretty clear. Bloodless disallows any of the things you've listed.

I think the distinction between a nick and a cut is strictly one of length. If it has some length to it, it's a cut. If it's a "spot", it's a nick.

And I disagree about the alum comment. Bloodless is bloodless.

- Chris
Even a better reason to have a separate thread for the blood categories. Maybe the progression should be irritation-free, bloodless, weeper, nick, cut, gash, transfusion, and certain death. :001_smile
A weeper is nothing to cry over, but you don't want a knack for nicks either, so cut out leaking all that blood!
I generally can shave w/o letting blood escape my body. I've only had one nick bad enough I've had to use my styptic pen. I've had maybe two small weepers. I consider a weeper something the stops bleeding pretty easily. A nick is something that has removed a tick more skin and requires a styptic pen. A cut is an incision.
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