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How do you define BBS?

I know it says this in the Wiki:

"Baby butt smooth. A completely smooth shave result."

If I rub my hand down my face N to S I think I get a BBS every day, pretty much.

If I run it up S to N, then it does not feel BBS.

Just wondered what you guys thought?

I'd say it needs to be smooth no matter what direction you run your fingers across.
My question lies in how much pressure is applied when you feel your face.I have a hard time believing anyone could have it feel completely smooth when applying significant pressure and rubbing against the grain.
I think in my case that would require some serious skin stretching and way more pressure/skin removal than I'd want to inflict.
My BBS shave has changed during the past year. It has been a personal evolution as my experience and methods and equipment have evolved.

At first, I found that a shave resulting in smoothness when I passed my hand WTG after a shave was as good as it could be. I was wrong.

With the right razor, blade, soap/cream, prep, brush and after care, I recently got a no-irritation, absolutely smooth shave as smooth as my face at 10 years old. I never thought such a thing could happen. There was no hint of hair when I rubbed my face from any direction.

Truth be told, I haven't duplicated it since. I think the alignment of the planets and stars may be a factor, too.

But I have a new mile marker.

My definition of BBS is no felt stubble in any direction.

DFS(Damn Fine Shave) is BBS in all but a few spots, some stubble being felt ATG in places

CCS(Close Comfortable Shave) is no felt stubble WTG, little felt XTG

SAS(Socially Acceptable Shave) is a shave that you can feel but looks ok in the mirror

I generally get DFS always and BBS about 85% of the time, unless I'm using straights then I just stick to DFS.
I never had a job where I needed to be clean shaven every day so BBS just feels too weird to me. I shoot for CCS or DFS on special occasions. I need to feel a little stubble in some direction. Mine is usually along the chin line.
My definition of BBS is no felt stubble in any direction.

DFS(Damn Fine Shave) is BBS in all but a few spots, some stubble being felt ATG in places

CCS(Close Comfortable Shave) is no felt stubble WTG, little felt XTG

SAS(Socially Acceptable Shave) is a shave that you can feel but looks ok in the mirror

I generally get DFS always and BBS about 85% of the time, unless I'm using straights then I just stick to DFS.

i usually get a DFS but if i dont really care about my appearance i go to SAS
My definition of BBS is no felt stubble in any direction.

DFS(Damn Fine Shave) is BBS in all but a few spots, some stubble being felt ATG in places

CCS(Close Comfortable Shave) is no felt stubble WTG, little felt XTG

SAS(Socially Acceptable Shave) is a shave that you can feel but looks ok in the mirror

I generally get DFS always and BBS about 85% of the time, unless I'm using straights then I just stick to DFS.

Dip your face in a bucket of baby oil first, if you're going to compare it to a baby's butt!

SAS is fine for me. YMMV.
DFS or CCS is what I shoot for. BBS is just too much work and the risk of razor burn and cuts rises exponentially.
BBS is all over smooth and may or may not have irritation, a DFS is a great shave with zero irritation that is not quite BBS.
I know it says this in the Wiki:

"Baby butt smooth. A completely smooth shave result."

If I rub my hand down my face N to S I think I get a BBS every day, pretty much.

If I run it up S to N, then it does not feel BBS.

Just wondered what you guys thought?


Both directions...you're not there yet :blink:
Ok, thanks guys.

I guess I'm getting a DFS everyday then. Just curious.

I usually make 2 passes and that's it. What I have is what I have, nothing I care too much about.

Way back around when I first started I got the idea in my head that I was going to get a BBS one day no matter what.

I put a feather in my Fatboy and cranked it to 9 --- :w00t:

I was very careful, probably shaved for 45 minutes.

I didn't cut myself once, but when I was done, my entire face felt really strange.

I was definitely BBS everywhere but it felt like I took a layer or 2 of skin off. My skin felt plastic or something, I can't describe it. I don't think I shaved again for 2 days after, there just wasn't anything there.

Anyway, since I did it, it is nothing I've been worried about doing again so DFS is fine for me.

DFS or CCS is what I shoot for. BBS is just too much work and the risk of razor burn and cuts rises exponentially.

Ditto. My shaves have become so much more enjoyable since I stopped going for BBS. On the rare occasions that I do achieve it without irritation (usually with a Tech or an injector), I always end up paying for it in ingrowns on the cheeks and chin a day or two later. Not worth the hassle.
My definition of BBS is no felt stubble in any direction.
I agree with this definition. If I take a cotton ball and rub it lightly across my face in any direction, there should be no catching of the fibers. The skin should also feel smooth and soft to the touch.
BBS=smooth in any direction

Merkur 38c--3 passes--Astra blade
Pass 1 WTG
Pass 2 ATG
Pass 3 ATG

This has been getting me BBS daily with no nicks, cuts, or irritation.
Like a baby's butt. If your face is as smooth and hairless as a baby's butt then that's BBS. Pretty simple really.
I guess it depends on the Baby you are comparing it to. My niece who is 3 months old has a hairy butt and I would need to get a good weeks worth of growth to be a smooth has her but :lol:. I don't judge my shave I leave that for the wife to do.. as long as she is happy then I am happy.
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