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How do us face latherers keep the lather warm?

Cuz right now the first pass so to speak is fine, then I set the brush, handle down on the sink top, shave the 1st pass, and when I come back to the brush it is cool and the third pass is nearly cold.

Just curious what you do.
Brush scuttle


You can pick one of these up from a local "World Market" shop for around $10. NICE. Not the best but NICE..


I was hoping to avoid the scuttle actually.

[DrEvil] Perhaps a mister that generates a steam cloud that the brush can rest within [/DrEvil]
I was hoping to avoid the scuttle actually.

[DrEvil] Perhaps a mister that generates a steam cloud that the brush can rest within [/DrEvil]

It's just a place to park a brush. No different than your sink top, just different.

You could get a towel steaming cabinet and put your brush in that. Lot larger and much more costly than a $10 scuttle/warmer though AND you would have to warm it up 1/2 hour before you shaved otherwise it would be cold too in the time it took you to shave.

I've been wondering this myself, actually. I'm not entirely sure that the lather cooling down really does any harm, but it would be nice to have a warm later when I want it (which, let's face it, is going to be nearly every shave). Closet hanger brush stand and a Bunsen burner??
I don't think that I do. I lather, put the brush aside, and pick it up again when I lather the next pass. But I do 2 passes only.
I am just used to a somewhat warm first lather, and subsequently cooler rounds for each added pass. I always keep a bowl of warm water near, so if/when my second or third pass requires a little more water to thin/stretch the lather in the brush, I add a bit of warmth back to the brush that way, but it is mostly negligible. Room temp lather doesn't bother me, and I really dig face lathering over bowl lathering.
I don't keep mine warm. I guess from all my deployments using God-only-knows what kind of nasty water it doesen't matter to me any more!
Room temp lather for the 2nd and 3rd pass. I too would enjoy a warmer lather but I much prefer to face lather so it's a trade off.
I have a brush scuttle from dirty bird which works well for keeping lather warm. However I've noticed that the lather from some soaps breaks down if kept too hot. Just something to think about...
I set my bowl from a vdh kit in my sink with hot water. brush actually warms quite well. The last pass as warm as the first.
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