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How do Kent brushes compare to Rooney and Shavemac?

Kent makes a very nice brush, though just a notch under Rooney and Shavemac, depending on what you like. The BK8 has little to no backbone. But it isn't floppy either.
Kent makes a very nice brush, though just a notch under Rooney and Shavemac, depending on what you like. The BK8 has little to no backbone. But it isn't floppy either.

I found my BK4 to be floppy at first, but then it seemed to improve :confused: I'm not able to explain it, and I won't try.:tongue:

I'd say Saville Row or Rooney would be among the first brushes on my "to buy radar" when I acquire another
I've used my Kent BK4 along with several other brushes I have. The Kent has always been the best. I just received a Rooney style 2 in super silvertip, and now that seems to be my most used. :biggrin:
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