Glad you made it out of the hospital! That is the main thing IMO!
What a story, Blair! Thank you for sharing it. I hope your recovery continues well, and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I used to work as a nurse aide in a hospital, and I spent some time in the skilled nursing facility. I was all over the hospital, actually, as a floater. I never saw anything like a common electric razor passed around. That's wild! I don't quite know what I would do if faced with that. If patients did not have their own shaving gear, we would get them a disposable razor. Of course, this is about twenty-five years ago, long before MRSA and other superbugs really hit the scene.
Glad you made it out of the hospital! That is the main thing IMO!
Not shaving in a hospital is the way to go. In a study by the journal of hospital infections, hospital staff without beards were three times more likely to be carrying MRSA on their faces. This is thought to be due to micro cuts on their faces harboring colonies of the virus. There is a theory that beards grow their own bacteria that may kill viruses like a drug resistant E. coli.
What do I know? Absolutely nothing. It's interesting though.
More importantly, I wish you the best. May your recovery and rehabilitation go well.