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Hope I don't get stung(Rooney content)

Well, as much as I wanted to get one of those nifty new 3/1 Specials in Coral, I decided to pull the trigger on a small Beehive instead. Can any of you comment on how this brush has been for you? Lathering technique, resiliency after break-in and comfort of use. I'll be comparing this to the Emillion when it arrives. Naturally, they are very different brushes so the results will probably be no surprise.
I'll be interested in the replies to this thread. I, too am considering a Rooney. After reading reviews and articles galore, they seem to be almost universally regarded as "the best".

I knew you would chime in :lol::lol::lol: Jim is looking into an ultra short loft Coral Super as well so I may be able to comment on the new brush as well.
If the brush does not meet your expectations I'll be happy to take it off your hands. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Seriously, I bet you will love the Beehive. Would love to hear your impressions as to how it compares to the Emillion.
I can speak to the small Beehive per say but I have five different Rooneys and I enjoy each one of them. It's pretty obvious I think Rooney's rock...

I am sure you will not regret your choice one bit!
Well, as much as I wanted to get one of those nifty new 3/1 Specials in Coral, I decided to pull the trigger on a small Beehive instead. Can any of you comment on how this brush has been for you? Lathering technique, resiliency after break-in and comfort of use. I'll be comparing this to the Emillion when it arrives. Naturally, they are very different brushes so the results will probably be no surprise.

Vintage Blades shows the small beehive as being out of stock so I wonder if you got the last one? :cool: I really like mine for use with soaps so I think you will enjoy it. They are quite dense and firm and will require a break in period so don't give up on it until you've used it for a while. BTW, the handle is even nicer in person than in the pictures!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member


I got mine when it wan't small, but the only size they offered ... never regretted ... the shape of the handle makes is so much easier to use (and shake out with confidence) than a chubby/stubby!!
I can speak to the small Beehive per say but I have five different Rooneys and I enjoy each one of them. It's pretty obvious I think Rooney's rock...

I am sure you will not regret your choice one bit!

Despite only owning a few brushes, I've had several Simpsons, Vulfix, Shavemac, Saville Row and C&E brushes in my hands. They all have their attributes. For me though, nothing has quite the resieliency and body of a Rooney. I quite like the Fan shape over the Round Top and you can just tell by the way Rooney's spring back dry that they are going to have good form once wet. This is entirely my personal opinion and preference and in no way am I putting down the other lines of brushmakers. Simply put, it is a very subjective topic, but I may just change my middle name to Rooney at this point :lol:
Hi... I have a size 1 Rooney Beehive and also two Plissons in what they call #12, which is somewhat larger, one HMW and the other is I think European Grey. The Beehive is such a different brush from the Plisson. I'm afraid I don't yet know the vocabulary to describe it in a proper B&B review fashion, but here goes.... Its density is a pleasure. I've been using it for maybe 6 weeks, in rotation with the other two, and from the first it was comfortable. There is very little give when face lathering and yet it's not stiff at all. There is little bloom. Since it is a small brush, I try to load it with a lot of soap, and there's always sufficient lather for three passes. It's the only Rooney I have so I don't know how it will compare to your Emillion. Looking forward to hearing descriptions from more Beehive users.
OK, so I caved in and got the Coral Super Special as well. Jim was able to finnd a short loft specimen(45mm) and is sending it with the Beehive. I can't believe how long it's taking to arrive:mad:. Oh, that's right, I just finalized the order yesterday. Patience, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. That's better. Seriously, I'm really looking forward to a comparison of these brushes. I'll post once I've had a time to use them and I'll try to post some comparison pix of the Special, Beehive and Emillion. Thanks to all for the recommendations and advice in this and past threads.
I don't have a beehive but I own a few Rooneys and they are my shaving harem. It is hard to pick a favorite. They all please on every shave!

Congrats on truly embracing SBAD. I'm looking forward to the reviews and comparisons. You'll get some great shaves out of these brushes!
I just received a Rooney emillion and was totally blown away. The density and soft tips make a huge difference. It produced lather the second it touched the soap and kept going. The soft full feeling on my face was so pleasing I forgot to put the soap puck down. A totally pampering experience.
I just received a Rooney emillion and was totally blown away. The density and soft tips make a huge difference. It produced lather the second it touched the soap and kept going. The soft full feeling on my face was so pleasing I forgot to put the soap puck down. A totally pampering experience.
I love mine so much I may need to pop for a second one.
i have a rooney 3/1 super silver tip and it is uber i also really like my vdh boar cause it is stiff and kinda scratchy but anyways the rooney was worth my hard earned money imho
I just received a Rooney emillion and was totally blown away. The density and soft tips make a huge difference. It produced lather the second it touched the soap and kept going. The soft full feeling on my face was so pleasing I forgot to put the soap puck down. A totally pampering experience.

When I got my Rooney Victorian after 2.5 years of a Vulfix 2234 shedding flopper, I was blown away. Cream lathered up like a dream, and it's made my transition to soaps a piece of cake.
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