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Hope I can get this...

I found this razor, and I'm hoping I can buy it...beautiful looking kit isn't it? and all for only ....$50. Gee Wiz.

Excellent, thanks for the I.D Mr. Razor! I've seen this set before and liked the looks.
Thanks. I also found this one for $50...Not as nice, but still pretty cool. I forget what this one's called, with the wooden box...
Thanks. I also found this one for $50...Not as nice, but still pretty cool. I forget what this one's called, with the wooden box...

Nice looking Big Fellow but it's missing something.....
The outer part of the handle.
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Yea, I thought something was wrong there...I just didn't catch it because it looks like its in one piece in the case...when the head and inner handle are separate ...Well darn. That's a shame, what a random piece to be missing.

Thanks for the responses
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