First is my Ayrstone paddle.

That is a full set of naguras. I typically set the bevel on a JNS 1K stone and then go through the naugra progression for a JNAT edge. For a coticule edge, set the bevel on the JNS 1K and go though a dilucot and finish on oil-of course.That a full set of Nagura? I only ever got Mejiro and Tomo. Do you do a full onestone process typically?
I doubted I'd have the patience for something like that so I jump synth to Mejiro slurry or Synth to coti to Mejiro. Or Synth to Coti to Thuri To Tomo or... you get the idea.
I have and did until I got the full progression. JNAT with just the tomo nagura after a coticule works fine. I have also used it after the naniwa 12k and it works. To get the max I think a full nagura is best.You can't finish on oil with coticules. Oooooo I'm telling!
You ever try just finishing on the jnat after another progression? If so, did you notice a difference?
Coticule box
JNAT box
NiceHere is my nagura box
If its related to JNATs we know where they came from, LOLThe handwriting on that "k" looks mighty familiar...
If its related to JNATs we know where they came from, LOL
We were very lucky to get one with a "K" dood![]()
Here's some of my Asano-Stamped Nagura
The two in the lower right are Koma, both are pretty amazing, even though they're not stamped. The one with the very-visible saw marks is pure heaven to work with.
I appreciate the offer, but I'm very happy with my tomo. I'm content to just look. It almost has a mood ring effect going on in the second picture.